Chapter 6

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The brunette stared at the ceiling as he hummed a nostalgic tune as he shifted, uncomfortable in his current position. He slowly moved his right wing and stretched it before folding it back again.

His brunette orbs glanced to the ginger who was still knocked out unconscious for some reason. However, Chuuya looked comfortable and more relaxed which meant the healing was working. The angel observed the room for the umpteenth time. 

He sighed when he predicted the yelling he was going to get from one of his partners in the angel community. He wasn't supposed to explore the mortal world that often after all. However, he had a back-up plan of saying he had finished all of his tasks. 

To put it simply, his job was all about time stamps of every single soul. What time they were born, what time they die, what time their souls will disappear. He was in charge of all of that. That's why he panicked a little when Chuuya didn't allow him to collect the patient's soul. A few seconds late and the soul will start to disappear and he won't be able to take it to the gates.

Reincarnation was a tedious job. He had to go through the numerous files of the one person's whole life and decided on the ups and downs of that individual's new life. Where they should be born in. Their features. Their capabilities and their flaws. 

It was a...troublesome job. He hardly did any reincarnations unless there were special acceptations. Such as, scarifies leading to death or maybe too pure for death. It hardly happened and the brunette was fine with that. It made his life easier. He loved designing the human's new life though.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the human beside him grumble as he slowly woke up from his sleep, eyes fluttering open and brows raising at the confusion. The brunette internally cheered as he, without hesitance, kicked the other off the bed, immediately sitting up to stretch his aching wings.

Chuuya grunted as he hit the hard floor beneath him as he sat up, about to yell at the angel before he froze. He stared, mesmerised as he saw gold glitter like particles float around the angel.

The brunette chuckled when he saw the ginger's staring as he explained, "Results from healing." 

Chuuya gasped as he looked himself up and down. "What happened. I only remembered coming home wanting to slap you." The ginger, upon recalling that, stood up hastily , hand attempting to slap the angel only for the other to dodge and laugh at the mortal's failed attempt.

"You suddenly knocked out cold. Most likely from exhaustion. Is it because of that recent patient?"

Chuuya exclaimed, "Yes you devil." 

"I'm an angel, literally."

"It doesn't matter. What did you do to his soul anyways?"

"I took it up."  The brunette pointed to the ceiling, not wanting to explain much about the separation section.

The brunette smiled as he asked again, "Did you like the process?" 

The ginger shrugged before admitting, "The soul did look interesting." 

The brunette hummed.

"Why was it black at the ends?" 

The angel seemed to be thinking on how to explain it so that the human could understand.

"Well, all humans sin. The amount of times they sin is represented with the black parts of the soul. The white part is the good parts. Most human's souls look like that." 

"How about a fully white one?"  The ginger sat next to the brunette as the angel chuckled, "Yup! Mostly babies."

The ginger's eyes softened, "I guess so."

The angel glanced at the other before thinking of a way to cheer the other up. So Chuuya was the soft type.


The ginger raised a brow. "What?"

"That's my name." 

Chuuya stared before smiling, "That's a nice name. For an angel like yourself." 

The brunette scoffed.

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