Chapter 34

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"You didn't have to... "

The ginger raised a brow, "I didn't have to...?"

Chuuya only saw Dazai hesitate before taking off the crown from his head, "You didn't have to get the throne..."

The devil was now completely confused on why the other said that, rubbing his hand comfortingly on the brunette's thigh.

"You almost died just to get this stupid crown." The brunette placed the crown beside him on the bed, forgetting it's existence completely as he sighed. The ginger finally understood as he hesitated the answer. He didn't know what to say to comfort the other after all. He never knew the brunette thought that way.

Chuuya only hummed in agreement as he mumbled, "It was worth it at the end right?"

The brunette glanced at the other as he shrugged. The ginger's eyes softened as he hugged the other, one hand grabbing the crown once again, he once again gently placed the crown on the other's head as he adjusted it to sit on the other's head perfectly.

"It looks good on you, you know?"

The ginger leaned in, connecting lips with the other and sighed in relief when the other didn't refute and instead kissed back.

"You forgive me? I promise I'll give you the best life that you deserve." The ginger gently mumbled, absent mindedly caressing the other's cheek as he continued using his free hand to rub the other's back comfortingly.

Upon hearing no response, the ginger hugged the other as a motivation for the other to speak. He asked softly, "Yeah?"

Arms snake around him as a attempt to hug him back as he felt the other nod into his shoulder. The ginger smiled, humming as he pushed his hand into the other's locks, still in the hug. Eyeing the crown, the ginger couldn't help the flash of possessiveness and protectiveness in his eyes. 

His hands brushed against the crown when he was stroking the other's head.

To be honest, he had consulted one of the executives about bringing Dazai to hell to be by his side. The executive seemed hesitant at first as he thought of a proper way to  respond. However, instead of denying or stating reasons why he couldn't, the ginger was surprised when he saw the other smile and nod.

"Go for it! This angel must be very important to you right?"

The ginger nodded, smiling.

The executive smiled back, "We, executives will handle the backlash. I'll love to see him one day."

"You sure will!" The ginger replied, turning to walk away before stopping and glancing at the pink haired executive before bidding the other goodbye.


After a few more minutes of comforting the other who was on the verge of crying, the brunette finally fell asleep, most likely still recovering from the wound on his wing.

The ginger was by the angel's side, one arm tucked protectively around the sleeping figure, the other caressing the black wings. He loved the other's wings, it was a sign of their bond together. He'll kill anyone who says otherwise. He had to still help Dazai get used to hell and his position in the castle. 

Yes...he was going to be patient, like he always was.

Feeling the other nuzzle into him, the ginger couldn't help but chuckle to himself softly. The angel was giving him the cold shoulder, spouting cold comments initially. But now...he was just a harmless and adorably cute angel.

He quickly retracted his hands as he glanced at the other's wings shifting in his sleep. He'll hate to wake the other up.

The ginger sighed, content as he pulled the blanket up to cover them both. He was going to do everything in his power to allow the brunette to live the life he deserved. He wasn't one to go back on his words after all.

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