Chapter 24

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"Chuuya, you're back!" The red head exclaimed, slinging an arm around the ginger's neck letting it rest on the other's shoulder.

"Tachihara..." The ginger acknowledged, glancing at the other who has bandages wrapped around his forearm. His eyes narrowed, "That hasn't healed yet?" He asked as the red head retracted his arm, giving it a glimpse before nodding, chuckling, "The holy water was quite pure after all."

The ginger nodded, red illuminating the other's hand before disappearing in a second, the bandages falling to the ground. Tachihara smiled, "Thanks. Your healing powers still work like a charm."

Chuuya hummed, Tachihara was his best friend. Both in the human world and in hell. He was the only one who knew the truth of Chuuya's royal bloodline and has supported him however he can.

"Something wrong. You look depressed." The red head joked, catching up to the ginger who was already walking away, seemingly deep in though.

"It's about the angel..." The ginger trailed off.

"The one you were suppose to corrupt? What about it?"

"Well..." Chuuya stopped in his tracks before sighing and continuing, his friend stopping and listening to him attentively, as if he sensed the importance.

"There might be a problem."

The red head raised a brow, "What problem?"

"I might've feel in love with him and promised him something undesirable..." The ginger whispered, barely audible to the other. But thankfully Tachihara heard him so he didn't have to repeat what he had said.

The other gasped dramatically, not sensing the urgency of the situation yet, "Our ever so strong Chuuya fell in love with an angel. I never saw it coming." He sounded sarcastic but the ginger could hear a tinge of shock behind the sarcasm.

After composing hismelf, Tachiahra asked, "And what did you promise him?"

"The throne." The other replied bluntly.

The red head blinked, silent, "You want to give him, an angel, the throne of hell?"

"No. Well yes but I'm going to have the throne and he'll be by my side."

Tachihara frowned and Chuuya waited for the worst, maybe the other flying off to snitch on him or maybe if he was lucky, the red head might just fly away and ignore him. Best is he left and not tell anyone. He knew it was forbidden to speak about the throne, especially about stealing it even though he was rightfully the one to the throne.

Instead, the red haired laughed before looping his arm around the other's neck again, "That's all? Not that hard. We can take the lord down together."

The ginger's eyes widened, "We?"

"Of course we. That's what best friends do right?"

Chuuya sighed in relief nodding, "Yeah...we..."

"Well, you have to let me meet up with that angel and let me have a good talk without him throwing holy water at me like last time." The red head laughed at himself before dragging the ginger to follow him.

The ginger smiled, his plan will be set in motion now.


"I thought I told you to get the throne first before coming back to talk to me. And here you are dragging me to who knows where!" The brunette complained, trying hard to catch up with the ginger who had an arm around his waist, pushing him through alley ways.

"I know. I know. Just wanted you to meet someone who'll be helping me and I might need to ask of a favour."

"I thought you said you were strong enough to kill him. Why are you asking me for help?"

"I'll explain to you later." 

Finally stopping , the brunette sighed, wings folding after being ambushed while he was flying and getting forcefully dragged everywhere by the devil. He met eyes with a familiar looking red head as he scowled.

"I can hear you both arguing from a mile away."

The red head laughed at the angel's hateful expression as he greeted the other, friendly this time, "You don't see happy seeing me. I'm Tachihara, Chuuya's best friend in the entire hell."

The brunette raised a brow at the other's bold statement as the ginger rolled his eyes, continuing for the other, "And he'll be helping us defeat the lord so I can take back what's rightfully mine."

The angel nodded, wanting this to be over quickly. He still hasn't forgiven the ginger and he didn't trust his suspicious friend. He was still mourning over the lost of his title and his place in the skies.

"Now as I was saying before, the lord currently has a large influence on the devils in hell. Taking him down in the public's eye will be a bad idea. I don't need everyone pestering about killing me after I get the throne. Instead, we should spread the word of the lord's bad deeds, swaying the people's opinion on him before taking action. Get it?"

The angel and devil opposite him nodded.

The brunette spoke up, "Who is this lord you're talking about though."

"The murderer of my family, Fyodor Dostoevsky."

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