Chapter 3

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The ginger yawned as he lazily strolled though the hallways of the hospital he was working in. His shift was over soon, just a hour left to clock in.

He was fortunate to have a job with a decent paying job and the location of the hospital was quite close. That meant if there were any emergencies, he'll be called first. There were no special patients nor surgeries today. So, it was just him visiting the rooms to check on his assigned patients. 

He recently got a promotion and now he's in charge of the VIP patient rooms where, to put it in short, 'rich' people were in. The hospital had a special section for these VIPs who wanted privacy and a much better service. 

He still can't forget the jealous looks the rest of the nurses gave him when the director called out his name only to get promoted. The ginger honestly couldn't understand why they were so jealous about. The only benefit working here was the pay rise. The patients were mostly bossy and snobbish. Higher risk of getting fired if you give the patients a bad first impression. He was fortunate that the doctor he was working under defended him from false accusations.

Like they say, 'customers always have the last say'.

One of the patients that was recently discharged a few months ago, threw the the doctor's equipment and anything at his reach at him because his food was not to his satisfaction. Even though they were currently making a new set of food for him, he still complained about it.

It got so bad that the security had to get involved and strap him to his bed for safety measures. Chuuya got a few bruises from that too. He was surprised he didn't fracture any bones when the patient through a chair at him. It was a hellish night and the doctor he was working under gave him a few days of lift and even offered to bring him out for lunch.

Yeah...Kouyou Ozaki. She was one of the nicest doctors in the hospital and it was a blessing to be working under her. The ginger was quite close to the other, treating her as his sister. He still addressed her formally but when it was just them, Chuuya called her more informally. The other was completely fine with it after all.

Speak of the devil, the ginger saw the pink haired approaching him. He smiled at her when she greeted him.

"You look tired. Another one of the patients?" 

The ginger shook his head, "Just didn't get enough sleep." 

Yeah and maybe met an angel. The ginger didn't even know whether it even happened even more.

"Don't worry, you shift is over in one hour." Kouyou reassured the other as she gave him a motivating pat on the shoulder before she resumed her walk to most likely one of the patient's room.

The ginger sighed as he readied himself before he opened the door of the next room.

"Good afternoon Aoi-san. Time for today's che-" The ginger's eyes widened as he stepped out of the room, slamming the door close as he glanced around the empty hallway, thankful no one had saw him.

He inhaled deeply as he entered the room again, repeating again, "Good afternoon Aoi-san. Time for today's..." He trailed off as he sighed, "Is he dead?"  

The brunette snickered, "Yeah. I'm here to take him." 

The ginger hummed as he entered, "Well, I have to give him CPR first and inform the-"  The brunette cut the other off.

"He's dead, zero pulse. I'm taking him." The angel whined as his wings stretched outwards. The ginger scoffed, pushing the other's wings away as the brunette flinched as his wings hastily folded as the ginger pressed the  emergency button and started the CPR. 

Counting, the ginger caught a glimpse of the brunette touching the patient as he exclaimed, " Don't you dare. He's not dead yet." 

The brunette grumbled as he retracted his own hand and watched as the ginger tried saving the man.

"Chuuya!" The ginger glanced at the pink haired who entered as he started, "Pulse at zero. CPR in the process. No pulse currently." 

Kouyou cursed as she pushed the ginger away and resumed the CPR herself as Chuuya quickly snatched the necessary equipment, setting it up as he gave a side glance to the brunette who was staring at the both of them, bored and seemingly impatient. 

"Can I take him yet?" 

The ginger realised that Kouyou could not see the angel, only him. The ginger shook his head as he checked if Kouyou saw his action. She didn't.

Dazai smirked as he asked again, "Pretty pretty please?" 

The ginger shook his head, glaring at the other. 

He only watched as the brunette flew his way throughout the big room and touching everything in the room before standing behind the ginger. 

"Cut it off..." The ginger mumbled, barely audible for the pink haired who was still monitoring the patient's vital sign.

"Time's up." The brunette said as the ginger raised a brow.

"I have to take him." 

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