Chapter 15

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Murmurs were heard in the dim enclosed room. Glanced passed across the room, everyone waiting in anticipation for the desired to arrive.

Light footsteps were heard yet the room went dead silent, not a single sound echoed in the small room as the raven haired appeared. He took his own sweet time to enter the room, sitting down comfortably before sighing softly.

Only when all eyes were on him did his mouth part, "News?"

"Our clan is decreasing rapidly. We don't have enough souls left for all of us." 

Deafening silence afterwards...

The lord nodded, flicking his fingers as the devils standing guard at the door immediately left the room in a haste. Everyone waited, confused and curious. 

Gasps were heard in the room when the guards reappeared with what looked like cage being carried into the room.

"An..."  One started only to be cut of by another.

"An angel!"

"Indeed." The raven haired nodded, standing up to approach the angel in the cage, rope tied around his head to act as a gag, wings bounded together with what looked like as a normal rope but the tints of red embedded into it said otherwise. Legs and wrists were the same, bounded and rendered the angel unable to move.

"Some of the devils lured him near to our grounds and captured him. Beautiful thing isn't it?" 

"But what for? We need he angel of time and reincarnation, not a mere angel." 

"We're going to use him." The raven haired said bluntly, opening the cage door as everyone in the room stiffened up, ready to defend if needed.

However, the angel seemingly obediently left the cage when gestured to by the raven haired.

The lord smiled menacingly, hands reaching outwards to the shaking angel to removed the 'rope' binding the angel's wings together. Almost immediately, the angel outstretched it's wings, attempting to fly away only for the guards to pin him down.

All the devils watched in awe. They all had seen an angel before but not up close.

The raven haired didn't seem angry about the angel trying to escape, instead he seemed confident on his plan.

"You may as well do as I say or you can say goodbye to your wings." 

The devils in the room, watching seemed to understand what the other was saying as they unleashed their own wings. The frail angel watched in fear as the raven haired reached out to gently stroke the white, flawless wings. 

He pulled one feather out as he crushed it in his palm in front of the angel who's eyes widened when he saw the once white wing get burned in flames, turning black as it dropped to the ground, turning to ash.

Knowing his threaten worked, he calmly said, "I want you to go back to your angel playground and go tell the angel community to spare us some souls." 

The guards removed the rope around the angel's face as the angel replied, "And what if they don't agree?" 

The raven haired smiled, "You're dead." 

The angel watched as the raven haired took a pinch of ash that was initially the feather.

He explained, "Devils can control ash of objects. Anyone who has come in contact with this feather will perish under my hand." 

The angle shook, imagining all his friends and family members who has just brushed across his feather withering to ash.

"I-I'll tell the angel community. Please don't."

The raven haired smiled at the other's quick agreement. "Very well. Set him free."

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