Chapter 2

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Observing the other, the ginger let his feet touch the roof he had just fell from. White wings ruffled behind him as Chuuya asked, "You're an angel?" 

The brunette nodded, smiling as the ginger hummed, "Aren't you scared that I'll tell the world of you existence?" 

"Nonsense. People will call you delusional at most. That's how humans cope with information."

The ginger scoffed before he turned to face the brunette who had 'saved' him. Did he wanted to be saved. Maybe or maybe not.

"Well, my name is-" 

"Nakahara Chuuya. Job as a ordinary nurse and has no family left. Am I right?" the angel cut the other off as the ginger with widened eyes, quickly composed himself and retorted, "Aren't angels supposed to be kind?" 

The brunette shrugged, "Aren't humans suppose to stay alive? You don't see me complaining." 

Chuuya clicked his tongue in annoyance before continuing, "What's your name?" 

"The holy angel of-" 

The ginger cut the other off. "No, your real name." 

The brunette raised a brow, " Why does a mere mortal want to know my name?" 

Chuuya laughed as he asked back, "Is it bad to not know the name of my saviour?"

"You know, us angels are supposed to collect the souls of the dead to being them to the holy gates."

"Then why did you save me?" The ginger noticed the angel's wings stretch outwards before folding back in.

"I don't follow the rules sometimes. You looked interesting after all." The brunette mumbled as he glanced away from the ginger staring at him.

"So you broke the rules." 

"No I didn't. I'm still doing something good." 

The ginger hummed, amused, "So you're different and not like the other angels." 

The said angel shrugged, "Corrupted and no longer pure they say..." 

The ginger looked the other up and down before saying, "Your wings say otherwise." 

In human myths, the whiter the angel's wings are, the more superior they are, in both power wise and smarts wise.

The brunette tried looking at his own wings before he scoffed, "All of our wings look like this." 

"I haven't seen any wings like yours." 

"You've seen other angels?" 

The ginger caught himself as he replied, "In books and movies I guess." 

The brunette's eyes narrowed, "Angels aren't like what you see in those movies and books of yours. They can be jealous and evil too." 

"I'm guessing you're not like them."

The ginger reached an arm out for his fingers to gently brush against the other's wings. The angel flinched as he took to the sky, looking down at the ginger.

"Dont touch it." 

The ginger sighed as he apologised softly, "So are you going to tell me your name?" 

A thoughtful hum from the other, "I'll think about it."

And with that, the brunette flew away as Chuuya bit his lip before sighing, taking his abandoned bag and walking to the stairs. He doubt he wanted to come back to this roof anyways.

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