Chapter 26

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The white haired soared through the sky, a black haired following behind him. Atsushi was currently trying his luck and and searching for Dazai. His tall tail sign was black wings.

However, he had no luck. He himself knew how well the other could hide and erase his existence from the earth if he really wanted to. It was obviously going to be difficult to find is elder.

He did catch any sight of the brunette but he did see a glimpse of ginger. Atsushi turned his head, Kyouka following his glance as they both spotted a ginger head walking through the streets.

"What a unique hair colour." Kyouka stated, most angels had black of brown hair. That was partially why the angel community was so special in a way. 

"You're right..." The white haired trailed off before continuing, "Is it me or do you see something seeping out of his back?"

The black haired squinted her eyes before shaking her head, "I think it's you."

Atsushi hummed slowly, he blinked his eyes rapidly in a comical way, maybe it really was him?

As both angels were about to continue their journey to find the brunette, Atsushi's eyes fixed back at the ginger on the ground but he gasped. The black haired beside him snapped her eyes back to the ginger and her eyes widened to see the ginger staring right back at them.

Kyouka composed herself. Despite being younger, she was calmer than the other.

"Maybe he's looking at the clouds, like we do with the children."

Atsushi hesitated, looking behind himself, "I don't see any interesting clouds. Is he actually staring at us?"

"Maybe he's one of those weird humans Dazai-san talked about. They like staring at the skies because they believe in us. He's..." Kyouka stopped herself, trying to find the right word.

"Religious?" The white haired asked, finally calming down after what the younger said.

The other nodded, looking back at what they both concluded on was a 'weird' human. Atsushi still felt awkward with the ginger just so coincidentally staring at both of them to look at the sky.

They both watched carefully as the ginger pointed at them before gesturing both of them towards him.

Atsushi exclaimed, "He's looking at us! He can't be gesturing to the clouds!"

Even Kyouka struggled to find an excuse for the human's weird actions. "I think we should talk to him." The black haired decided before the white haired stopped her, "What if he's dangerous?"

"It'll be fine." The other reassured him as she slowly flew her way down to the same road the ginger was on. The white haired, after much debates in his own head, finally made his way down as well.

Both angels stood opposite the ginger who seemed to be looking right past them.

"Maybe we should go now. He was actually just....pointing to the sky...He can't actually see us." The white haired whispered to the other.

"I can see you." The ginger stated and Atsushi did not waste a second to hide behind the younger who bravely stood her ground, looking right back at the other.

"You can...see us?" The black haired asked, equally as surprised as the white haired.

"I can." The ginger nodded, giving a blunt answer. He seemed to be thinking hard about something.


"I have two cute angels under me in the angel community."

The ginger hummed, "They're working under you?"

"Not really but they both look up to me a lot. One is called Kyouka and the other is the one closer to me, Atsushi. They should meet you sometime, Kyouka wants to see what a human is like."

Chuuya scoffed, laughing, "I'll see."


Chuuya frowned, he recalled the bruentte telling him about these two. He asked, "Do you two by any chance..." He noticed both the angels seem to have their guards up as he chuckled, continuing, "Do you two know Dazai?" 

That seemed to do the trick as both opposite him glanced at each other before nodding. The white haired which the ginger presumed was Atsushi hastily asked him, "Do you know where he is?"

"Why?" The ginger decided to drag the conversation out longer.

"We jsut both really want to see him. We're kinda having a bit of a problem with our...friends group." Atsushi worded hissentence properly, he didn't need a human knowing about the skies and- "

"You mean that shitty angel community?" Chuuya asked as Kyouka frowned.

Atsushi's eyes widened as he stepped a few steps back, pulling Kyouka along with him. Maybe it was a bad idea talking to the ginger. He knew too much.

"And?" The ginger prompted the other to continue the conversation.

"Y-yes. The angel community. We really need to find him. You know where he is?"

"I think I have an idea. Don't blame me if he doesn't want to see you. He's not really in a good mood after what you all did to him."

Atsushi and Kyouka glanced at each other, gulping, they knew the consequences of the decision of kicking Dazai out of the community and his home.

"You still want to see him?" The ginger asked, eyes narrowing as both of them seemingly shrunk under his gaze.

"W-we'll like to see him. Please being us to him." Kyouka stuttered, surprised that even she was anxious talking to a mere human. 

The ginger contemplated on whether to take both angels to the brunette. He had an idea where the other was. It was as if they were connected already, must be because of the corruption. He didn't need the other hating him even more.  Despite all his thoughts, the ginger sighed when he saw both the angels opposite him looking at him expectantly.

Couldn't hurt to just bring them to see their beloved idol. If the brunette did make a fuss out of it, he'll just chase both of them away. Easy...

"Okay. Follow me."

Both angels gasped in shock when black wings emerged from the ginger's back as he lifted hismelf off the ground.

"I told you I saw something black seeping out of his back." The white haired whispered to the other who stared in awe. She never really saw what a devil looked like.

"No wonder he can see us." 

Both angels hesitantly followed the other. They were lucky to be following Chuuya out of all people. They were rather naive was what the ginger thought.

But they'll be able to see their mentor who knew this devil. So both decided to trust the other.

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