Chapter 22

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Both laid on the bed in silence, relishing the somewhat comforting silence enveloping them. The brunette winced at the sudden pain shooting throughout his body, wings flexing as the feathers ruffled against the sheets.

The ginger seemingly thinking he was causing the pain, got off the other slowly, inching away as he glanced at the other who started gasping underneath him. The ginger's eyes narrowed but he did nothing.

The brunette's eyes widened when black creeped up his wings as if they had been stained by ink, the blackness seeping deep into the roots of his feathers. Dazai's mouth parted, wings motionless as he punched the ginger in the cheek, hard.

"What the fuck did you do, Chuuya?" The brunette exclaimed, attempting to sit up and continue to hit the other but the ginger practically sitting on him stopped him.

"My..." The brunette trailed off before screaming at the other, "You corrupted my wings!"

Chuuya sat there, quiet, unwilling or unable to speak, he was unsure. The lack of surprise or shock made the brunette calm down before a look of hatred was directed to the human.

"You demon!" The brunette exclaimed, legs flailing around, attempting to escape the other's hold.

Hating how the ginger gave no reaction nor response, the brunette frantically reached for his clothes, fishing out a small vial of holy water, hurriedly throwing it at the ginger who hissed at the water coming into contact with his skin.

"Show your wings, you coward!"

Chuuya glanced away, hastily trying his best to wipe the holy water from his arm which he used to shield his face. The room's temperature rose quickly, making even the brunette shiver as the room's atmosphere changed.

Red wings emerged from the ginger's back, making the angel's eyes widened. There's no way a lowly demon could have such a fearsome aura and such formidable wings. Dazai let out a shaky breath as his wings stung in pain. His hands flew to pat his black feathers down, reign to ease the pain.

Noticing the other's pain, the ginger suppressed his aura, controlling the temperature of the room to go back to its initial state as he looked pitifully at the other yet concern was plastered on his face.

"You..." The brunette muttered, swallowing his words as he focused on straining his healing power on his wings. It was barely working due to the corruption of his wings.

The ginger slapped the angel's hands away, ignoring the protests the brunette shouted at him. He instead caressed the other's feathers gently, the stinging sensation disappearing making Dazai sigh in relief. Despite the healing the devil gave him, his wings remained black and corrupted.

The brunette tried finding the right words with difficulty as he whispered, his voice barely audible to the other.

"Do you know what you've done? I'm going to get banished from the angel community..."

The sad but harsh truth was present, making the room's atmosphere tense.

"What are you going to do now huh? Throw me to the rest of you filthy beings? You disgust me!"

The brunette scoffed, anger taking over his sadness as he nails scratched at the other's arms. Chuuya said for the first time after the whole ordeal happened.

"I won't..."

"Like hell you won't! Can you fix this? Corruption is permanent. It's over, Chuuya! Do I need to spell it out for you?"

"I know!" The ginger shouted, the choking atmosphere appearing for a few seconds before the devil composed himself. The brunette stayed silent, catching his breath.

"The initial plan was to trick you and get you kicked out of the angel community. Afterwards, we'll dispose of you."

The brunette frowned, so they had been planning this after all. He shouldn't have trusted the ginger in the first place.

"But...I changed my mind after meeting you."

The brunette sighed, giving the ginger a murderous glare, asking calmly, "So what if you've changed your mind? The damage is already done. You might as well just throw me to the pits of hell where I belong!"

The ginger did nothing to refute that, instead apologising, "I'm sorry...I...know I can't fix this but if you'll give me a chance to-"

He was rudely cut off, "I've given you a chance Chuuya. You've shown that you shouldn't be granted another one. Now get off me so I can embarrass myself in front of the whole angel community and get myself kicked out of the skies."

"You don't have to! I'll-"

He was once again cut off by the angel, "Get off."

The ginger could do nothing but oblige as the brunette folded his now slightly black wings, only the parts near his back which were white as he tidied himself off, slamming the window open and taking off quickly. He wobbled as he forced himself to fly up.

The ginger sighed in annoyance. He had to fix this...

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