Chapter 12

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Hello, everyone. Thank you for waiting for the new chapter. Before I start the story. I would like to talk about a few messages I have received. Requests are accepted and I'll love to make them come to reality. 

However, I have received messages claiming that they have been a follower of mine for a long time.  Please do take note that I sometimes review some of you accounts to see if you have any books of your own or in your reading list I'll like to have a look at that. I support a few of my followers too! 

This particular account was in fact not a follower and had only read my books.

If you'll like to request for a book, I'll be happy to write it but lying is something I will not tolerate. I rather write a book which is a friendly request. However, I'll still be writing this book as the account was rather nice and polite when requesting for the book. 

For now, I will not show the account due to privacy reasons but if it does happen again, I won't be afraid to show your account on my books.

For the rest of my followers, thank you so much for you endless support! I'm always grateful for you votes and funny comments. I'm forever grateful for those who vote for my chapters as well. Kudos to you :)

Now, let's go on to the book! Do comment your thoughts  about the situation above!


The ginger watched observantly as the brunette downed the cup of wine in one go. He whistled as the angel rolled his eyes.

"Some extravagant water you have. It tastes weird..." 

"Maybe your angel water is different." The ginger replied, pouring himself a cup of wine as well. however, unlike the brunette, he took quick sips. 

Only then did Dazai notice that the water which had trickled out of the cup was red. His eyes widened, "How could you..."  

The ginger laughed but froze in place when the brunette finished his sentence, "Feed me blood!" 

"It's not blood you idiot. It's alcohol!"

"You mean you fed me the substance to clean wounds?" The brunette tossed the cup at the other, wiping off the supposing 'water' off his lips.

"No you idiot. Wine is like a beverage which contains an intoxicating substance in it." 

"You're poisoning me?" The brunette gasped, wings stretching out before folding back in with panic.

"It's not harmful. For the amount you drank, You'll mostly just experience a few headaches. you should stay for the night to prevent accidents." 

About to reject the suggestion, Dazai stopped hismelf. If this sort called 'wine' effects him when he goes back up, he might get kicked out of the angel community for drinking such sinful things.

"Okay..."  The brunette grumbled, making hismelf comfortable on the ginger's couch, wings folding to cover himself.

The ginger snorted, downing another cup of wine. He had already seen the other's reaction so it was fine to finally down a few shots himself.

The brunette glanced at the ginger as he asked, "I don't think you should be drinking that much." 

A scoff before the ginger exclaimed, raising his cup up, "I'm not a light weight like you!"

The brunette nodded hesitantly, watching as the ginger stumbled but still made his way to get another cup of that red, toxic liquid.

Dazai flinched when the ginger slammed his hand down onto the kitchen top. he saw as the ginger hummed to hismelf, twirling in circles before resting his body on the kitchen counter behind him, this time, sipping his wine slowly, as if savouring the taste of it before slamming the cup on the table too. 

The brunette was surprised the glass cup didn't shatter right on the spot.

"You okay, Chuuya?" The brunette called out, sensing the ginger's actions strange, maybe the effects of the wine was too strong." 

"All good!" The ginger sang out, the brunette raised a brow, "You don't sound good." 

"You only live once, Dazai! Live it!" 

The brunette chuckled, "I live forever." 

The ginger scoffed, making his way to the brunette as Dazai scrutinised the redness of the ginger's cheeks.

"You sure you okay?" 

"It's just the wine..." The ginger grumbled, face planting onto the couch before turning his head to look at the other.

"You look nice..." He mumbled out.

"Of course I look nice. I'm an angel!" 

"Angel? Oh...right...angel. I like you..." 

The brunette hummed, seemingly proud as he replied, "Humans always like angels. The number of books and movies are enough to tell." 

"But I really like you. Not in movies or books." 

"I'm sure you do."  The brunette pet the other's head gently, finding comfort in the soft ginger locks.

"How about you?" 

The brunette looked at the other's flushed face as he hummed, "You're my favourite human! Does that tell you what I think?" 

The ginger kept silent before humming, "You like me too." 

The brunette nodded, smiling, "I like you too, Chuuya." 

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