Chapter 30

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Flames engulfed the room,  crawling up the walls of the room and making the crowd swarming outside the room to quickly back away from the door.

The red head cursed as he took a few steps back, quickly searching for a way out as a vent on the ceiling of the room was punched out of place, falling to the ground with a thud. A hand appeared, grabbing the red head by the back of his collar, pulling him up in a swift action.

Fyodor's eyes narrowed as he mumbled to himself, "Seems like there is more than one traitor..."

Unfortunately, the raven haired couldn't identify who's hand that was that came out of the vent. He could check but he decided against it. He controlled his flames to create a path for him to walk yet defending himself from the angry guests who didn't dare come into contact with the flames at such high temperatures that one touch could burn them alive. 

The raven haired made his way out of the hallway, ignoring all the angry screams directed towards him.

The redhead sighed in relief, thanking the ginger who helped him in the last minute.

"What should we do now? Fyodor's most likely going to do something." The red head asked as the ginger hummed. Their plan was going according to plan for now but they had to find out how to finally remove Fyodor from the throne with Chuuya replacing it.

They and successfully spread rumours of Fyodor stealing the throne and most likely most of the devils in hell knew of it.

The ginger glanced at the red head, he could hardly see the other due to how dark the vents were. 

"Are you up for the last phase?" The ginger asked as he saw the red head in the dark nod, "Always."

The ginger's eyes soften, sighing as he said a bit softer, "Thanks for everything, Tachihara. Couldn't have done it without you."

He felt a hand on his shoulder as he imagined the other smiling proudly, "Don't mind it man. I'm looking forward to serving under you and especially that angel's face of shock."

Chuuya chuckled as he agreed, making his way through the vents to accomplish the next phase.


Fyodor massages his temples at the continuous banging of his doors and the screams of rage outside his room. The guests had without hesitation, followed him to his room and started trying to knock down the door. There was no way out of this one, he had to make a full proof plan to earn their respect again.

The raven haired resisted the urge to burn everyone outside as he sat in one of his expensive leather chairs. He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he stood up, walking to the doors and mustering the courage to open the door, the devils who were slamming their bodies against the door fell to the ground instantly as the others slowly backed away.

Cowards...who insists to see someone before backing away when they meet them. He fixed a smile on his face as he said calmly,  "Everyone, I wish for your patience as I handle the traitors at hand. Please make yourselves comfortable in the castle as I-"

He was rudely cut off by a red head who emerged from the crowd, holding his arm that looked burnt and dripping blood as his other hand pointed at the raven haired as he exclaimed, "We won't believe you. You showed your true self to us by poisoning one of us. You're with the angels! You're not fit to be our lord."

Everyone who heard what the red head had yelled, glanced at each other with hesitation but no long after starting chanting the same words as the raven haired glared at the red head who had a smirk as he pushed hismelf through the crowd.

Fyodor hismelf didn't comprehend his actions as he rushed to the red head, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up from the ground in a swift second. The red head gasped for air, his one uninjured hands clawing at the Fyodor's hand as fire seeped out of the raven head's fisted palm by his side.

"I'll kill you right here and use it as a demonstration on why you shouldn't mess with me."

Everyone was stunned as they contemplated on helping.

Just at that moment, Fyodor's eyes widened as a glass cup used to hold the champagne from earlier was thrown to his head, the glass shattering as he dropped the red head who scrambled to his feet and yelled for everyone to form a circle around the raven haired.

Fyodor turned as he frowned, "Chuuya, why are you protecting the traitor?"

"The only traitor I see is you."

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