Chapter 11

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The red head stood up, glancing at the finger who was at the counter, asking for a napkin.

It was a good thing Chuuya wasn't in Dazai's line of sight when the brunette saw him. He made his way out of the cafe as he glanced around.

He recognised the angel. The devil's target...

"Tachihara, where are you going?" The ginger asked, placing the napkin on the table.

"Saw my colleague, need to tell him something. I'll meet you at the arcade?"

The ginger raised a brow before nodding, "Okay, go talk to your colleague."

Tachihara smiled as he made his way through the busy streets. He knows where that angel was going.

He was proved right when he noticed white. He smirked as he made no haste to enter the alley the angel was hiding in.

He did wonder, why not fly to the skies?

The red head's eyes widened when a splash of water was thrown at him. He stumbled backwards, shaking off some of the water as he winced.

He cursed when he saw his skin turn red, black curling its way into his skin.

"Fucking holy water..." he mumbled, quickly looking up to see the brunette smirking down at him.

That angel lured him...

"I advice you to tell your lord to bakc off and not come back."

Tachihara thought carefully on how to proceed. The stinging pain made him clench his hand, sharp nails digging into his skin.

"Very well." He said back as he tried to get rid of the water sticking to his skin, causing the itching pain.

The brunette raised a suspicious brow before flying away quickly.

Tachihara sighed, walking further into the alley before his own wings appeared.

A red circle expanded on the ground before he dropped. The circle then vanished, the devil no longer present either.


The ginger made his way to the arcade after finishing his latte at the cafe earlier.

He caught a glimpse of a flash of white above him as he watched as Dazai flew above him as if catching up to something.

He contemplated on calling out to the angel but decided against it when he thought of all the weird stares people will give him.

The angel will come visit him afterwards anyways.

He'll have to ask him why he was in such a rush.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a rather heavy tap on his shoulder. He turned, slightly surprised.

"Caught up to you."

The ginger chuckled, "How was your talk with your colleague?"

"It was okay. Got into a little argument."

The ginger only then noticed the slight red and irritated skin as he asked, concerned, "What happened to your arm?"

Tachihara shrugged, "I think it got irritated by something. Maybe it was the coffee from just now."

The ginger nodded understandingly.

"Well, you still up for the arcade?"

"You bet!"


As the soul dropped into his hand, the brunette's eyes narrowed at how black the soul was, a small amount of white swirling around the ball.

The brunette sighed as he took flight again. He wanted to catch up to the ginger but realised time was up. He couldn't let the devil's get hold of the souls especially ones like this, almost pure evil souls will allow the devils to thrive more.

He looked back, scoffing when he noticed devil's scurrying around the building, in search for the soil which was no longer there. He had once again fooled them and he was amused when he saw the devils still searching for something that was already gone.

He made his way to the sky, fling his daily routine of giving the souls to the soil separating section before heading back down to the mortal realm, in search for Chuuya once again.

He reckoned that Tachihara won't bother him when he sees him. Dazai didn't trust him though. Who knows what he'll do to a human.

He smiled in content when he saw the ginger and red head waving at each other, going their separate ways.

He swooped down to the ground, picking the ginger up. Chuuya making no reaction as if expecting the angel to do that.

"You're calm for someone in the sky."

The ginger was busy typing in his phone as he scoffed, "I saw you."

"I should be sneakier next time then."

"I rather you not do this. It makes me want to puke."

"Even better reason to do it more!" The brunette exclaimed, deciding on not informing the ginger about his friend's secret identity.

They reached home faster than Chuuya running at top speed to his house.

The ginger thanked the other as they both entered the apartment together. Dazai peeked outside and upon seeing nothing suspicious looking, he closed the door and looked it.

"You drink wine?"

The brunette raised a brow.

"What's that?"

The ginger smiled slyly, "A fancy name for expensive water."

The brunette hummed, "I am kinda thirsty. Gimme some."

The ginger stifled a snicker as he poured the red liquid into a opaque cup, putting on a lid as he passed it to the other who slumped it all up with he straw that was given to him.

The ginger smiled when he saw the brunette raise his brow.

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