0. 50 - Embrace

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You flourish in the garden that is my heart. You are the one flower I truly appreciate and I want to treat you well. Your affection is like a lovely scent that cheers me up when I'm down. You speak with clarity and truth.

I see the yearning for true love in the depths of your eyes. You strive to learn how to give and receive love. You never imagined that I would drop by, much like a butterfly visiting a flower in a garden. The love we sow begins to blossom. It had no boundaries.

I can feel my heart saying, "You are mine. Only you. My heart beats for you alone.” You are my beacon of light. You hold me tightly and I fall into your arms, caressing and worrying. They vanish in the power of your love's embrace.

ScribbledTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon