- Chapter 64 -

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The long train journey had finally come to an end. After six painfully and surprisingly fun hours. Painful because my body ached at the cramped compartment.

Sirius had too many friends, yet they all seemed as close as a matching pair. A harmonious balance between all of them which I hadn't expected.

Within the last few hours, James Potter had already started causing trouble. Impatient to wait for the school grounds to begin kicking off. Already starting to get bored, like locking a puppy in a cage.

He escaped the compartment, around our fourth hour in and took it upon himself to find literally anyone else to talk to.

Even if we heard people shout for him to go away. Which we did. Voices echoing throughout the train screaming his name, in various forms.

Within the time of the journey, I had a closer insight around the fact...it was never just James that caused trouble. Which felt a bit surprising, but also not at all. Funny more than anything. It made sense as to why James was part of the group, finally.

Around hour three Peter and James wore black inked moustaches upon their faces. Laughing at each other, before their blissful ignorance was destroyed by their own reflection. Knowing that they both looked like a mirror image of one another.

All along, it was Remus who drew upon their faces. Which nobody snitched. Not even me, when I was included into the interrogation from both bearded boys.

The moment he saw anyone's head tilt in sleep, he carefully approached them with a small smirk on his face and a delicate artistic hand.

Alice was almost another one of his victims but her eyes shot open the moment she could feel someone close to her face.

Quiet Remus, who most of the journey sat silently behind his book. Almost felt like the biggest troublemaker, despite his gentle approach.

He still made my heart thump a little too hard in my chest whenever I paid too much attention to him, though. Even in his calmness. I still had the sense that he was hiding the anger I saw, hiding behind that book and steady hand.

Regardless of how my hands felt unsteady as he quietly leant in to draw on people's faces, I couldn't help but have a smile on my own.

His mumbled words of encouragement at any chaotic behaviour.

Peter laughing at literally anything anyone would say. Often not being able to tell a complete joke without heaving for air, finding himself funnier than anyone else in the compartment. Too funny to complete any sentence.

Lily trying not to join in, but being dragged into the messes and arguments created. I could see how she claimed to hate it, rolling her eyes as if she were babysitting but... her willingness to jump in as if it were an invitation and joyful pink face, told me otherwise. Even offering Remus more ink, at some point. For James' face specifically.

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