- Chapter 65 -

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"Don't give me an answer right away," Sirius said holding out his hands as if he were trying to slow me down.
"Just think about it."

The sound of the crowd around us started ringing back into my consciousness. I felt myself smiling but frowning at the same time.

I didn't have to think about it.

And I knew Sirius was only giving me time to 'come to my senses'. Expecting I'd sleep on the thought and decide all along that he was right. Which felt like self-sabotage on his behalf, masked by good intentions.

"Fine." I agreed.
"I'll think about it." Though I hoped my face would tell him I already was going to accept.

An awful girlish giggle fighting to escape my tightening lips, as I couldn't fight off the smile.

"Good." Sirius nodded, subtly looking quite proud of himself. His own mouth twitching into a smile.
"Good." He said again quietly, and more to himself.

We stood in front of each other for a few seconds. Attempting to bite down smiles and somewhat play it cool.

"You should probably find those friends of yours, at least say hi." He said.
"I still haven't seen any sign of finding James so..."

"So, you go find James and I go find my group?" I noted, though a little reluctantly.

Sirius nodded.

I nodded back, still attempting to bite down the smile, as the moment had passed but it was permanently glued upon my face. Foolishly and unapologetically.

"Okay." I said.

We both laughed. A kind of laugh that suggested we both found this unbelievable, surreal. At how the crowd of people disappeared for a few minutes, which felt like insanity considering the bustling around us.

Everything seemed to stop in those few seconds our eyes were locked together and he was stressing about asking me a question he still didn't directly ask.

"Meet me after dinner, I'll still go with you to see Madam Pomfrey." Sirius said and with a quick longing look and another laugh, concealed this time, Sirius slipped off through the crowd and back onto the train.

Leaving me standing here, with a goofy smile and a slight disoriented feeling.

I began to follow the crowd, that finally started to disperse as students began lining up for carriages or boats or gathering in groups just outside of the Hogwarts station.

FALLEN FROM GRACE ⍋ Regulus & Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now