- Chapter 15 -

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"I thought you said it wasn't a date?" Ramona laughed.

"It's not, he never said it was but it made them shut up. They couldn't believe it."

"Maybe they didn't."

"Oh, they did."

"I wish I could have seen their faces," Ramona snorted.
"It was hard not to see the way his looked at yours. So maybe they did believe you." Her laugh turned into a smug smirk.

I rolled my eyes at her, brushing it off and giving her a look to be for real.

"No, really. He was all giddy sitting down." Ramona playfully pushed me as we entered potions class.

"I think I'm just figuring out he likes causing a bit of trouble. He knows what he was doing, me sitting next to Octavia and all." I said giving her a look.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ramona frowned, pulling out a textbook for us both and sitting down.

"I think they might have some history." I said squinting my eyes a little, trying to read between the lines of how Octavia was talking about Sirius.

Ramona let out a loud cackle, causing Professor Slughorn to jump behind his desk as he spoke to a lower year student just leaving.

"I hate what they called you but being a pure blood does come with some advantages, it's true." Ramona said with an amused smile.

I cocked my head to one side at her, not knowing where she was about to go with that statement.

"Didn't I ever tell you about summer solstice in fourth year? The pure party where Paddy ripped his trousers in front of Pandora Fontayne and her Dad was not happy about it." Ramona laughed at the memory.

"Kind of rings a bell." I tried to recall how it connected.

"Well, that's the last year Octavia stopped trying to be friends with me and decided to then leach onto..."

"Valeria Greengrass." We both said at the same time with a nod.

Ramona lowered her voice as more students started crowding into the room.

"Because I wouldn't set her up with Regulus. She thought me being a Slytherin meant I could convince him somehow." Ramona whispered and I turned to see Regulus now collecting his things.

"Octavia was into Regulus?" I said confused. Ramona nodded.

"I did tell you but, you obviously didn't care enough to remember." Ramona raised an eyebrow.

"How does that link to Sirius though...despite yanno, the brother thing?" I asked.

"Sirius danced with her that night, out of pity. She's been obsessed ever since. She never knew that obviously, it was after Regulus rejected her and I was there with him, talking about school or something- I don't know- when their mother forced Sirius to step up as a dance partner, for their reputation. Older son duties. She told everyone in September that Sirius was her summer boyfriend," Ramona explained.

FALLEN FROM GRACE ⍋ Regulus & Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now