- Chapter 32 -

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DIVINATION, Grace's POV, ———

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Grace's POV,

You could smell the divination room before you could see it. The smell of opiate and sandalwood incense wafted out of the latched door. 

There were rumours Professor Abraham Onai was going to retire soon. Though I couldn't imagine him much older than fifty. Many of the other teachers continuing to teach way into their greying years.

I had wondered if it were anything to do with his craft. If his cards or intuition was moving him onto another career path.

He always spoke about how we have choice alongside destiny. That there could be balance within all things if we chose to listen to ourselves and what we wanted with as much respect as accepting what our cards tell us and what cards we're given in life.

I quite liked the man.

Though many people couldn't control their rolled eyes at his many inspirational speeches that interrupted his lesson time. Often falling on deaf ears. Myself included sometimes.

He was bizarre, though I supposed that had something to do with job description. And he did waffle on if you let him.

Symbolism was very important to him. Listening to what you wanted something to symbolise, also meant a great deal to him too.

Each held an equal amount of importance, he claimed.

Sometimes this just felt as if he was disregarding divination as a method of magic that was reliable, however.

Open to interpretation or your own feelings coming into it...didn't feel as reliable as charms class where you practically learn a skill, so to speak.

Professor Onai was too busy caught up in his own head to greet and focus his attention on the students now filling up the cushioned spaces in his classroom.

Scattering around flamboyantly, practicing transfiguration magic it appeared.

"Do you think he's finally lost it?" Vinny giggled quietly beside me.

"Magic ball must have exploded in his face. I've heard the gas inside can be quite deadly." Orla added.

Suddenly Professor Onai spun around, shutting both of the Ravenclaws up immediately as if they had been caught.

"Transfiguration magic, who is top of their class?" He called out.

Valeria Greengrass held her hand proudly up in the air, swishing aside her blonde hair as she did.

Professor Onai called her up, told the class to carry on and turned his back on us again.

"What do we reckon?" Ramona begun.
"Conjuring extra mugs from the staff room? Or just turning some of his snapped tarot cards into some extras?"

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