- Chapter 21 -

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It was a cold November evening but it was still surprisingly bright out, despite it being almost curfew. I considered it must have had something to do with the fact it was almost the full moon. Which was the only light winter nights ever seemed to be gifted with.

I felt restless all day and couldn't sleep last night, even with the new sleeping remedy I had been given. It helped a little but not enough to rid myself of my jealousy towards seeing a girl wrapped around a boy I barely knew. Trying to figure out why I felt so jealous fought against the medication quite triumphantly.

I also wondered whether I was in the position to question him about it on our second date. I didn't want to seem obsessive and feed into any uncomfortable narratives about girls having a creepy crush on someone. It surely wasn't my place, as I thought, I barely know Sirius Black.

But I also didn't want to step on anyone's toes or have my own feelings hurt. There was no way I was getting involved in anything where 'the other woman' existed, whether that was myself or Marlene McKinnon.

I just kept ruminating and practicing different ways I could ask him about his dating history, without it coming off too strong for a second date.

"So, am I the only girl you're dating right now?" Sounds insecure.

"You know what this school is like, I've heard you're still pretty close to your ex girlfriend. Is that not weird sometimes?" I don't want it to sound like I care too much, or gossip.

"Marlene McKinnon? Does she know about us?" There is no us. Too direct.

There didn't seem like an appropriate way. Not yet, anyway.

Also, I wanted to figure out why he never came over to say hello to me. Which I was progressively getting more annoyed at the reality of.

He must have known Lily Evans was coming over to our table, only for it to be confirmed when Dorcas Meadowes went over to his.

I was right there.

I was right there and he doesn't exactly have an anxiety problem or lack of confidence to come over and say hi; so I was beginning to believe he chose not to. Which felt confusing considering he felt more than comfortable coming to see me when I was in the hospital wing, the main hall at lunch time was a lot more casual. Especially because his friend was also coming over, so he wouldn't have had to do it alone.

I kept thinking back to how her arms were wrapped around him, how she fiddled with his hair.

Marlene. She didn't seem like his thing.

But again, I don't really know him or what his type is. It was an attack of comparison between her and myself.

Her blonde and curly, me brunette and limply straight.

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