- Chapter 72 -

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LET THE SPARK SWIM,———"Sirius," I said with a muffled laugh, but holding a warning tone as he now begun to unclasped his school trousers

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"Sirius," I said with a muffled laugh, but holding a warning tone as he now begun to unclasped his school trousers.

"Alright, calm down," he laughed.
"I'm not getting naked."

I still stood there with my arms wrapped around me as if there were a chill. There wasn't. The pool room was actually beginning to feel a little humid as the water continued to trickle, obviously not freezing cold as I could have maybe anticipated from the old pipes.

"I don't have a swimming costume."

"Neither do I." He simply replied, playfully pulling off his trousers and kicking them to the side. Revealing his checkered grey boxers that looked too baggy to be bunched under his tailoring that now led lame and crinkled on the tiled floor.

My eyes lingered for a second on his bare legs.

They were toned and paler than I maybe might have thought they'd be, or maybe his hair was just so dark in comparison that the contrast was striking? Regardless, he was obviously athletic and it made sense how...

My eyebrows shot up as soon as he whipped off his vest that was once under his shirt and I found myself instinctively turning around with a childish giggle.

Sirius had a surprisingly defined six pack, considering he wasn't on the quidditch team or a frequent participant in any of the Hogwarts sports. He also had a little trail of the dark hair from his legs dancing up his muscles in a lighter shade of brown.

A blush found its way violently onto my smiling face.

"Anyone would think that you've never seen a guy get unchanged before." Sirius said behind my back, an obvious grin being heard in his tone.

"Of course I have." I said honestly and still a little giggly.

Some of the boys would almost get half naked in the summer, anyway. Lounging in the fields in gym shorts or around the common room in their boxers on some of the hottest heatwave days. In the first year the changing rooms were usually shared also; before puberty really kicked in and we were set into separate classes.

I had seen many boys strip off to only their boxers.

But I hadn't been in a room alone with them. Or been interested in the noticing the fine details of their body.

"And it's not my first time seeing a girl get unchanged, so just wear your underwear." He laughed at me and suddenly I heard (and felt) a loud splash.

I spun back around, flinching at the water droplets that sprinkled over my uniform, now seeing Sirius Black under the water in a cannonball hold.

He jumped up back to air, his dark brown hair now midnight black and over his face before he slicked it back.

"Come on!" He roared with laughter looking at me still stood in exactly the same spot.
"Otherwise I'll start splashing!"

FALLEN FROM GRACE ⍋ Regulus & Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now