- Chapter 14 -

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Muggle studies. Where the seating plan was still in place, but conveniently we had a substitute. Everyone began looking at each other whilst waiting to be let into the lesson, already pairing up with who they could sneakily seat next to.

Our substitute was Professor McGonagall, a transfigurations teacher currently trying to become head of Gryffindor house. Everyone knew that was her dream position, but she was still rather young in comparison to the other heads of houses. I would have guessed she was in her mid thirties.

I never really took an interest in transfiguration. It was impressive, there was no doubt about that but I feared whatever was was charmed (myself included) would remain stuck like that forever.

Animagi were taught to the upper years who put their names down for additional lessons, something I was initially interested in but decided it was impossible to ever achieve.

The ability to have an alter ego...of the animal kind.

It was supposedly one of the most advanced transfiguration magic tricks you could perform; even a handful of ministry professionals could never attach themselves to an animal persona. Considering I had a hard time pulling a mouse away from it's transformed state into a goblet...It wasn't for me. I never signed up.

Professor McGonagall was fair haired and fair in temperament. She had always been one of the professors that boys would giggle about. I had imagined it was because she was one of the youngest female professors around and, hormones. But looking at her in front of the class, waiting for everyone to settle down, I did consider her quite pretty myself. There was a simplicity about her beauty, but still very noticeable.

"I am aware of your seating plan." She finally said aloud in her Scottish accent, as everyone began trying to break it.

Groans sounded around the classroom. One slipping out of my mouth too, I could already tell Valeria Greengrass was in one of her snarky moods.

"Good morning." She said to me, head held high and proud.

"Morning." I nodded back as we both sat down at our shared desk.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and wrote the page numbers on the board for todays lesson.

"Professor Funnel told me that you all knew today was a textbook day due to his leave. I'll be here to help if you ask for it." She said, sitting down at the desk and beginning to scribble down her own lesson plans, probably.

She didn't mind us talking and so the sound of morning chitchat filled the room.

Half way through the lesson Octavia Abbott joined our table, after asking the Professor if she could help out another student. Valeria Greengrass, her best friend, who never needed any help at all. A ploy to sit next to each other well performed.

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