- Chapter 51 -

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THE 23rd OF DECEMBER, At the Parkinson's residence

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At the Parkinson's residence.
Ramona opened the door with curlers in her hair already. I could only assume she had spent the entire previous night and day in them so that her hair was beyond bouncy and perfect.

"Oh please tell me you aren't going in those, don't embarrass me like that." I did my best impression of her, sneering at the pink Velcro rolled in her black hair.

"Very funny,"
"Come in."

I had visited Ramona's house a handful of times. Every time, there was another grand thing to gawk at. This time her Christmas decorations.

The large tree in the centre of her hallway, whereas mine wouldn't even fit a small houseplant. Baubles glistening under the chandelier, reflecting even more light than expected. It was like the classiest disco ball you had ever seen and frankly, I felt a little jealous.

I always felt a little jealous visiting Ramona's house. She knew that. It was never kept secret.

It amazed me that this was how some people lived, genuinely, and not just in films.

Where I'd run up my stairs, with both hands gliding against the walls beside me, with Ramona's there was no way someone could stretch that far with the scale. I'd also fear of even touching her walls, just in case of grease marks on paint that probably costs hundreds of galleons.

I could tell she was mid doing something when I rang. As she let me in and instantly started walking back up to her bedroom. I followed, not wanting to be apart from her for too long. Truthfully, big houses like these (despite my jealousy) left me a little uneasy.

As we begun to walk up, Ramona side eyed me.

"You can't have several dress options in there?" She said glancing at my rucksack with judgement.

"To be honest, Mona, I already know you're going to put me in one of yours anyway." I said with a shrug, and an assumptive tone.

Ramona sighed. But not a sigh that suggested she really cared, hidden underneath it was an excitement that threatened to shine through.

"I suppose you're right, I'm not sure they'd appreciate your Levi's mini skirt as an option." I could see the hint of a playful smirk.

"Don't slate the mini skirt." I said in pretend offence. Talking about a denim skirt I frequently wear, repetitively, but only in the summer.

Ramona shut her bedroom door behind us, as we finally made it out of her winding corridors. She held her back to the door. Almost as if she was barricading us in. An almost devious look on her face, before she clapped her hands together.

"I'm so excited for this." She said with a devilish little laugh.

"I mean, I was until you got too excited. Highly suspicious." I said, flinging my bag on her floor and jumping on her bed. Getting myself comfy.

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