- Chapter 30 -

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"I don't want to go on a double date with you and Sirius." Dorcas huffed.

She had decided that the whole group needed to apologise to her, and though we had...I guess she felt entitled to her time to actively sulk and let us all know she was annoyed.

"I haven't even asked Remus yet, myself. So I definitely don't want our first date to be with you and Sirius. So no, thank you." She added.

"Why do you keep saying his name like that?" Vinny laughed.

"Siri-yus." Vinny and Orla mimicked together in laughter.

I rubbed my temples, finding this all a bit too much on a Monday morning at breakfast.

"Talking of," Ramona decided Dorcas had, had enough attention.
"I hope he begged for your forgiveness."

Ramona folded her arms and clenched every time she heard his name, which although I respected her loyalty to me as a friend, I was finding quite amusing.

"He had a legitimate excuse." I shrugged.

"They always do, these pure blood boys." She sighed, as if she didn't come from a long line of them.

"We heard about him crashing into the Slytherin Common room." Orla said.

I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah I was told when I got back." I said, a mouthful of cereal.

"Regulus also crashed the Gryffindor common room. Seems there's a family issue with boundaries." Vinny added, in a gossipy tone.

"What?" The rest of us said in unison.

"I got talking with, what's her name..." Vinny started clicking with her tongue and gently patting the table as a way to focus her brain.

"You'll know her," she turned to Dorcas with a point.
"Big curly hair, dark skin. Friends with Lily Evans and that lot."

"Mary McDonald." Dorcas bitterly replied, too polite to ignore when she was spoken to.

"She thought I was a Slytherin, as if," Vinny scoffed. Which Ramona and I glanced at each other as a quiet, shared, quick reaction.
"But she asked if I was friends with him."

"And you said?" I found myself more interested than I thought I would be.

"No." She bluntly replied.

FALLEN FROM GRACE ⍋ Regulus & Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now