- Chapter 6 -

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I was obsessively thinking about Sirius Black all throughout dinner. Ramona was asking me countless questions that I wanted the answers to myself.

The main one being quite simply, why was he a visitor of mine?

"Ugh it's going to be so nice having you back around the common room again. You've been sorely missed." Ramona lightly smiled as we started to lift ourselves out of our seated position to start heading to the Slytherin quarters.

I agreed with her but I couldn't control my eyes that started searching over at the Gryffindor table once again.

There he was, also getting up from his own table. Talking to one of his friends, not paying attention to my gaze despite the fact it felt as if he was watching me for the entire meal.

"One second, I'll catch up." I said distractedly to Ramona and slipped out of her presence. She didn't seem to care, as she wasn't an overly clingy friend.

I started to try and zigzag across to the Gryffindor table. Struggling to avoid the mass of students that were all leaving at the same time.

Suddenly a younger Ravenclaw boy crashed into me, all of his small friends laughing as if it were the funniest thing in the world. Oh to be so easily amused. I stumbled backwards a bit, before shooting him a look of disapproval.

I had lost my lock on Sirius Black, he was suddenly camouflaged in the large group of upper years pushing themselves to the front to leave.

I started pushing some people aside and keeping my eyes alert for him. I knew he had a really tall friend, and though I couldn't remember his name, I knew if I looked for the height difference in the crowd I could find Sirius Black.

But nothing...they must have already left.

I physically showed a sign of exasperation. Huffing loudly and spinning quickly back on my feet to see Ramona still standing at the back of the crowd near the Slytherin end of the hall.

I wandered back over to her, frustrated they had managed to get through the crowd so quickly.

"Everything okay?" She asked curiously.

"Do you know he brought me Bertie Botts every flavour beans?!" I frowned and let out another huff in growing annoyance at my lack of understanding and the opportunity to say something slipping by.

"Who did?" Ramona said, starting to get distracted and twiddling her hair over...Evan Rosier a few people in front of us.

I snapped my fingers in front of her face, and she shot me a violent look.

FALLEN FROM GRACE ⍋ Regulus & Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now