- Chapter 8 -

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I barely got any sleep but I was glad to see the morning of a Saturday. This week felt like the longest yet shortest week I had ever experienced, all at once.

There was a theme starting to happen with my sleep. Short spurts, regularly interrupted by the quietest of noises. The medication that provided some relief for my aches and pains and gave me the tiniest amount of energy to keep me going without an afternoon nap...was also meaning I couldn't actually stay asleep for long.

I could feel it starting to take its toll. I wasn't looking any better physically, and I was starting to believe it was because of the shoddy sleep I was having.

Purple under eyes, and whites that often turned pink during the day with bloodshot. They stung to keep open until I had another dose of the medicine around lunch.

It was naive to believe my body would just spring back into action again after spending a month led asleep in a bed, but I had hoped the cracking of my joints and the stiffness of my muscles would have eased by now.

Every morning it still felt like waking up that first time again.

And every night I wished I had a stronger dose of medicine to knock me out for a decent amount of sleep.


Perhaps I could actually manage to get some extra rest in today, but for now I couldn't wait to get myself to the library like I had been planning for a few days.

The library was hardly ever occupied on a Saturday. Which meant it was the perfect time to access the restricted section.


The library always smelt like smoke, incense more specifically. Woody and musky. Perhaps from the wooden bookcases that stayed bolted to the ground for god knows how many years. Stuffy from the hundreds, perhaps thousands of books that stacked up among the aisles.

The room was dimly lit, as the sunlight struggled to penetrate the tall structures that held so much knowledge and you often needed a lamp with you past a certain time.

The library offered out enchanted candles to follow you around which were flame controlled; but they often were stolen and ran out quickly due to lack of numbers.

The library wasn't somewhere I particularly ventured, unless I had an upcoming research project. Without shame I usually just leeched off of Orla's library time and got her to give me her notes for me to make my own interpretations on. Most of the time however, the library didn't feel entirely necessary.

You'd usually just find me in the main hall, or one of the outside courtyards. Sometimes near the black lake in the warmer months.

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