- Chapter 16 -

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HOT CIDER & HOGSMEADE, ———It was finally Saturday and I was up early when I could I have had a lie in

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It was finally Saturday and I was up early when I could I have had a lie in. Why? Because Ramona woke me up as if it were a school day.

"So what are you going to wear?" Ramona said starting to rummage in my trunk.

"I'm not dressing up for Sirius Black, Mona." I said sternly.

"You dress up for a date with a Black." Ramona said twice as stern. Her family values jumping out of her strongly, as if her mother was talking through her.

"It's not a date." I said grabbing her hands and giving her a warning look to get out of my things. I wasn't going to submit to the pressure she was beginning to put on me.

"You dress up for the noble house of black." Ramona warned.

I sighed and let her back into my trunk.

She pulled out a lavender coloured dress. Covered in dark green, small flowers.

"It's freezing outside, Mona." I reminded her looking at the spring time dress.

"White tights. White long sleeve underneath. I've thought this through. Now put on that blush I gave you." She said pulling out the rest of the outfit.

"Noble house of black." I scoffed under my breath as I did as I was told.
"So outdated. He's just some guy."

Ramona stood up, hand on one hip and giving me the look her Mother sometimes gave her. One I've seen too many times at the train station at the beginning of each year.

"I know I make jokes but Sirius Black isn't just some guy." Ramona stated.

"And why's that?" I said starting to rub in the blush with my fingers.

"He's the first born son to the the new generation of the black family, Grace."

"You know I don't understand your purist world. That means nothing to me." I said to her, already feeling irritated by the tones of elitism in this interaction and overall unstarted day with Sirius Black.

"It means something to our world outside of Hogwarts. Do you have any idea what this could mean for you, once we leave school?" She said as if I were an idiot.

"We're still in school, Mona." I reminded her. Not wanting to wish my life away so quickly.

"Not for long." She reminded me back.
"And then having a good relationship with and knowing someone in that family will benefit you more than you know."

"I know Regulus." I said.

"You're in his year at school and not a close friend, that hardly counts. The rest of the year could say exactly the same thing."

"Well, I'm friends with you. That must mean something?" I said to her, she had a seat at those purist parties. She grew up with them all.

"The Nobel house of Black." She said in a more theatrical way.

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