An Unpredicted Us

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Sometimes secrets are meant to stay secrets. I don't think we should always know everything. Good example. I'm nineteen, soon to be twenty, and my best friend Lacey's dad just busted her mom sleeping with one of her mom's friends from work. It was fucked up. Lacey is nineteen and just moved out of the house, but her dad, Ryan is only thirty-three and her mother, Brenda is thirty-six.

Her parents were teens when they had her. Ryan just turned fourteen fucking years old! I could never imagine that! Being fourteen and having a kid! The bright side is he's still young and his daughter is grown. So, he can still live his life...well...if he can get over the cheating of his wife.

Lacey's mom and Ryan were together for almost twenty years. The cat was let out of the bag and how the fuck Brenda never got pregnant again is beyond me. She was a horrible...correction... is a horrible person.

After Ryan caught her cheating, the full truth came out. She'd been cheating on him the entire time they were together. That poor guy was in love with her. He always has been, and rumor has it she's been sleeping with at least ten different men over the past twenty years.

I could never imagine being fourteen, giving up my life to have a kid, then staying with the person I love for all those years, just to find out it's been a lie. Thank God the DNA test revealed Lacey to be his child. Brenda can fuck off!

Lacey and I have thankfully rented out this three-bedroom apartment and Ryan is staying in the spare bedroom. Excellent choice. He's got a good-paying job and he's, her dad. I'd take him in if I were his daughter. He's always been an amazing guy! Super nice. And although I shouldn't think like this, he's super-hot. He won't have any trouble finding a new love interest if he gets over Brenda.

I can't understand why Brenda would want to cheat on him. He's the one who had the better-paying job. He's a handsome man. Dark black hair, a perfectly trimmed beard lining his toned jawline, deep brown eyes, a body that is sculpted by muscle, and it's not too much muscle to be grossed out with, but enough to make a mother want another with him.

No, I am not attracted to Ryan in 'that' way. He's an amazing guy and friendly. And yes, I do think he is hot. But I've never felt that way for my friend's dad. How could I? Lacey is my best friend, and she would kill me. I love and rely on my friendship with her too much to do anything to jeopardize it.

"Dad!" Lacey's tone brings me back to reality. "Good morning wonderful man!"

"Good morning, Lace." Ryan smiles while he steps over to the coffee pot. "What are you ladies up to this morning?"

I continue sipping from my coffee cup while staring like a zombie at my phone but listening to their conversation because I am part of this family too.

"Sabotaging mom!" Lacey admits, radiating anger waves in her tone. "I still can't fucking believe..."

"Lace!" Ryan pipes up, his tone is stern but still soft. "It's not worth it. Your mother is happy now with...whatever his name is. And for what she did to me, it was all worth it."

"How!" Lacey roars in anger. "How can you stand there and say what mom did to you was worth it? I'm so fucking confused!"

He turns around, steam coming from his coffee cup as he raises it toward his lips. "Because she gave me you. And I couldn't ask for anything more. And I would do it all over again...every part of it. If it meant I'd still have you!"

Jesus Christ! This man just melted my heart!

Lacey can't contain her smile. "Dad! I can't cry right now. I have too much to get done today...including sabotaging Mom!"

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