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As I lay in my bed staring at my phone, I can't help but imagine what happened this past week now that Ryan is finally home since that day!

A part of me wants to go out into the living room, just because it's still early and I am not ready to go to bed, but I feel fucking awkward around him. And what's worse is I don't know if it's awkward that I am feeling or arousal that I am trying to deny.

What if I go out there and we both attack each other sexually? And that is the last thing in the world I should be thinking or admitting to. But damn it! I can't stop thinking about his fucking tongue. I've never felt any pleasure like that from a man. And that was just the pregame! I don't know what kind of convulsions I would have gone into if he fucked me after making me orgasm!
Stop it!

Stop thinking like this! It's your apartment too! Go into the living room and watch something! Anything! Who cares if he's out there? There is still an off chance he doesn't know what happened.

Oh yes, he does!

I slide out of bed and walk into the living room. My laptop is sitting on the coffee table and so are Ryan's feet as he rests back on the couch. He's watching a movie.

"Hey!" He says and instantly I can hear the nerves in his tone. "I thought you went to bed."
Great! That knot in my throat that I thought I annihilated is back. And speaking through the knot seems impossible.

"I was..." I struggle to speak and pause, looking around the darkened living room. "It's too early for me to sleep."

He pops another piece of popcorn into his mouth, quickly swallows it, and looks over at the couch and back to me. "I mean...if you want to watch this movie with me, that'd be okay. It's..."

"You are watching a new movie that I have been dying to see."

"I just pressed play too." He admits and brings another piece of popcorn to his mouth.

I exhale a relieved breath. Things are fucking awkward but the way we are talking to each other seems to make it a little easier. I have no problem watching a movie with him and he seems to be acting a little more normal and not so fucking weird. So, yeah. I can manage to watch a movie with the guy.

Halfway through the movie. And of course, shit has to get weird! Neither one of us has said a word. I don't think he's flinched. And the reason why! There have been two small sex scenes in this movie. Nothing too extreme but enough to arouse me and by the look of his shorts either he's full down there, not hard, but full, or else he's got a fucking banana in his pocket. Even in the dark, his cock is noticeable. I still can't fathom why Brenda left this man!

Shit is even weirder because the current sex scene we are watching is baring it all. This movie is rated R but somehow managed to allow a very 'rated-x' part in the movie. I mean, I can see the man's shaft. Most of it and it's a fucking horror movie. The dude is going to get it chopped off if he keeps showing it. But right now! Fuck! I am getting so fucking aroused.

I want to move. Fuck! I want to run! This sex scene is so intense and real that I'm soaked in my panties. And I'm wearing a skirt which at the right angle could reveal my white and soaked panties. Thank fuck it's dark in here.

But is it dark enough? Because Ryan looks hard! And it's very visible. And I quickly turned my head because he looked at me!


Did he see me staring? Did I just get busted looking at his cock! Well, through his shorts! I need a release and I need a release right now! I have to get out of this room! I have to somehow get to my bedroom. But I swear if I get up, I will be walking funny. The slightest touch will have me pooling in my panties. I can't even rub my legs together without arousal rippling through my body and my aching nipples getting harder than bullets!

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