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"Will you please just talk to me!" Chris texts me and I'm annoyed with his dumb ass.

Chris is my ex-boyfriend. I broke up with him two weeks ago because I busted him cheating on me...and it was fucked up. I walked into his apartment. His stepsister was bent over his couch, and I could hear the clapping of her cheeks as he drove his tiny cock into her. I felt bad for her because even though she knew I was dating him; I could see she wasn't enjoying it at all. And I don't blame her. Sex with him is like fingering myself, except I do it better than he can. I'm glad we split up. I was considering breaking up with him several times and he sealed the deal with his infidelity.

"Not interested." I write back, wondering if this dipshit truly thinks he holds something over me. "I walked in on you sleeping with your stepsister. I was already considering breaking up with you before that, but you made sure to close that 'door' permanently."

"You can't just break up with me like that and think I won't try winning you back!"

I roll my eyes and exhale an annoyed-sounding breath. "Dude!" I write back, wondering why this fucker can't take the hint. I already swear like a sailor and my filter is as loose as Lacey's. "Again! I was considering a breakup before I found you FUCKING YOUR SISTER! On what planet do you think you'd ever have another chance with me? You cheated on me! Lose my number! Fuck off! Go back to fucking your family you nasty fuck!"

"She's, my stepsister! There is no relation!"

"I don't care! Goodbye! Enjoy your life! Leave me alone before I kick your ass...again!"

The apartment door closes, and I look up to see Lacey and her wide smile walking in. "Hey, pretty lady!" She says and drops down in a slump onto the couch. "What are you doing?"
"I was playing some game on my phone until Chris texted me."

Her breath hitches. "What did the 'sister-fucker' want?"

I scoff and roll my eyes while sliding my phone on the coffee table. "The dipshit thinks he still has a chance with me!"

"Did you tell him a breakup was coming before you found him cheating?"

I nod while feeling that slight anger building inside of me. "Yep! I told him I was considering calling it off long before I found him clapping his sister's cheeks because we weren't compatible. But then to find him cheating? Not compatible. Needle dicks aren't my thing."

"Is he really that small? And is he finally leaving you alone?"

"Lace. You and I have talked about his size before. He and I measured it hard one time and he wanted to cry. Why his sister would even allow him to fuck her is beyond me. I didn't mind it because he was decent with his tongue."

"How big?" She asks.


"Jesus! I mean...it is a disability. And what made you stay with him after fucking him the first time and finding out his size?"

"You and I both know I could sleep with a girl and orgasm just fine. Size isn't an issue to me. He could be dick-less and as long as he hits the right spots, I'm going to come."

She narrows her eyes, and a curious expression begins to paint on her face. "And did you?"

Confused, I raise an eyebrow and lightly shake my head. "Did I what?"

"Did he make you come?"

I shrug my shoulders and reach for my glass of water. "He did. It wasn't fantastic or anything special. But he did."

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