Good Morning, Goodbye, Good Day

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It's been two sleepless weeks for me. Oddly enough, Lacey has moved back into the apartment with me. She can't stand Brenda. And oddly enough, I've never seen Lacey feel so bad for me. She doesn't have to admit it. But I can see it in her eyes.

I'm fucking hurt. And I know Ryan has to be hurting too. But it's been two weeks since we've spoken and I'm still alive...barely. I've finished my summer classes for school, and I've been burying myself with work, keeping my mind occupied and off him.

Lacey and I spent a couple of nights going out, watching movies, and becoming best friends again. But again! I can see it in her eyes, and she can't hide it. My expressions and body must reveal how horrible I feel in my current life, and she sees it, and it's hurting her too.

Rumor has it that Brenda tried getting into Ryan's pants and he booked it out of her house so fucking fast. And even though it's been two weeks, he doesn't want anyone else. Or at least that's what Lacey secretly admitted to without trying to tell me. She was drunk last weekend and spilled some things to me, like the fact that Ryan hasn't been sleeping either. 

Good! Fuck him...

Mike quit the restaurant and went to Hollywood. He prepared me a few weeks ago, I just didn't believe him until he said goodbye and left. It was in a flash and wow! Now, Merrick, the restaurant owner wants me to do doubles most of this week. Most people would call that crazy, but I'm doing it. He's going to pay me triple for overtime and double for regular time if I make it through the entire week. But I cannot call in a single day and I am working six days. And that is why it fucks with me that I am having sleepless nights. I'd think I'd crash the fuck out. The good news is, I have today! And it's the last day of this long fucking stretch.

I sigh and look at the empty spot in my bed. How the fuck did I go from sleeping in Ryan's bed for months, to now this empty shell. Even my hormones are telling me to fuck off. I haven't touched myself. I haven't thought about another man. I haven't wanted anything. But! Things will get better! They always do.

I throw my stinky, dirty work shirt over my head. I haven't bothered washing it because I'm wearing the fucking thing for sixteen hours a day! And I lost my other one! And Merrick doesn't have any other ones! And normally I wear whatever shirts I want to wear. This shirt isn't mandatory until you're stuck doing all four jobs like I am this week.

His bitch ass better hire someone fast!

I am quick to get dressed and get to work. It's early and the restaurant part is open for brunch. My last sixteen hours just started now at ten fucking A.M. and thank God!

"Hannah!" Merricks cheerful tone kind of pisses me off. "Thank you for this past week. I know we only have you on one day off and then a few more doubles, but I am going to sacrifice a day and give you two days off. So, the next two days are yours!"

"Oh!" I breathe the biggest sigh of relief I've ever breathed out. "Thank you! That is fucking amazing!"

"Hey, you deserve it." He smiles and hands me what appears to be a check. "You've been an amazing employee for the past few years and after this week!"

I shake my head, confused, and lost. "My money gets deposited into my bank. What's this?"

He gestures for me to take it. "It's your bonus. I don't give bonuses, but because of your amazing help this past week I was able to get some family things done and when doing so, it reminded me of how important life is and how much life I've taken from you over the past week. So, this is for you."

He shoves it into my hands and quickly turns around. "I have a butt load of work to get done. Take it as easy as possible today. I'd rather not lose my best employee."

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