Nothing But The Lie

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Jackson is a little different. He's amazingly hot and extremely intelligent. He's polite and he's also calm. But he's a little different now that I am getting to know him better.

The fact that we've watched an entire movie, and he hasn't made a move bothers me. Yet some men are just gentlemen like that. The fact that when I hugged him, he sniffed my hair for a little too long was slightly weird, but not that weird. At this point, I just want to get laid. I don't care if he and I never talk again after tonight, I just need some pleasure.

The movie was even a romance movie, and there were two sex scenes in it. The last time I watched a movie with a guy with sex scenes...well...I remember it like it was yesterday.

Fuck! I need to stop thinking about him!

I purposely scoot a little closer to Jackson, hoping to hint him on to kiss me. I mean, we are just sitting here with a TV that is next to playing nothing. What is this guy's deal?

Okay, I should cut him some slack. Maybe he's just nervous and doesn't know how to start kissing a girl. Ugh! But he's so fucking hot and it doesn't make any logical sense! He's had to have plenty of women in his lifetime! He's twenty-four and single! I would bet my life that he's had more women than my friend group has had men combined! Or maybe I am reading too much into this!

Fuck it!

I nervously take a breath and walk my fingers on his leg. "Do you want to go in my bedroom, or are we just going to sit on the couch all night?"

"I didn't bring a condom." He blurts out, acting like we are automatically just going to fuck!

"I have plenty!" I interject and stand up. "If that's what you want."

He's a young and fit guy! Of course, that's what he wants! He didn't come here to watch a fucking movie...okay in this rare case, we did watch a full fucking movie...who does that?

He follows behind me as I walk toward my bedroom and for some reason not keeping eye contact with him.

He clears his throat. "We can see where this goes and if it gets to that point, then it gets to that point."

I nod and thank God he can't see my face because I'm dumbfounded and almost irritated. But I am a fucking sex freak compared to normal people. I don't need it constantly, but I need it enough to know it's not completely normal. If I had a boyfriend now versus my teen years, I'd probably be having sex daily, maybe twice a day!

The room is dark, but the light from the hallway is enough to reveal my bed and dresser. "This is my room." I hold my hands out and spin around expecting him to throw himself at me. But this Jackson and he's a little different.

I can't believe I am thinking this, but I almost miss Ryan just because the sex was nothing I ever encountered. I mean! I've never had anyone that big inside of me and even if he wasn't that big, the way the threw me over the table and took control of the situation was fucking phenomenal. And normally I prefer being in charge. The way he tried to take control the first time we fucked even though I was on top and figured he was done, but nope he kept going.

Stop! Thinking! Of! Ryan!

I sit on my bed and there are no nerves anymore. I'm not turned on that much. But! I am wet! That is a massive fucking plus! and we haven't started this 'engine' yet.

"Come here!" I command because he's not fucking moving.

"Don't..." He pauses and looks back at my open door. "Don't you want to close your door in case your roommate comes home?"

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