Tell Me

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So, if I were to recap my life a month from now, I would have lost my best friend because she would have possibly busted me and her father sleeping together. And that should not be something in my imagination.

As I sit and eat my cereal I am at a loss. I don't know which way is left and right. I can't stand knowing I did that. Even though every part of my body enjoyed it.

Watching Ryan masturbate last night and knowing came hard standing in my door frame like a fucking creep. That should have me 'friend arrested' and lose Lacey for life. I can never tell anyone what I did! Not even Mike!
This is horrible!

I watched my best friend's dad masturbate and I wanted to sit on his cock! What am I supposed to do? Now this is getting too deep! Now this is...

Wait! Was he watching me last night?

I'm pissed at myself, but I also recall something else in my most vulnerable moment last night. I think he was watching me...or at least walked to my door and spun around and left.

It's like a delayed thought. When someone tells me something important, I hear it, but then it takes me half the day to be surprised. That's what this delayed reaction is. Except, did Ryan watch me masturbate?

I can remember raising my head and the more I think about that specific moment, the more I recall seeing a shadow walk by the door. Did my moans call him to my room? It sounds fucking corny but damn it! Did he see me? Is that why he was masturbating?

"Good morning!" I drop my spoon as he walks into the kitchen, startling me. "Did you sleep okay?"

I swallow and I know my fucking eyes are wide right now. "Yeah..." I say so softly it's almost inaudible. "It was okay."

"Good." He nods as if he has no idea what else to do. "Glad to hear it. The rest of the movie was kind of...' blah' I guess you could say."

"Good," I say and pick my spoon out of my cereal. "Glad to hear I didn't miss much. Did you enjoy the rest of the movie?"

Did he enjoy it? Did I seriously just ask him that? He was fucking masturbating! And I was right there watching him!

He doesn't say anything. He looks away from me and proceeds to walk over to the coffee pot. And this is the first time I am realizing he's not wearing a shirt. He's only in shorts and his V-line makes me want to lick it, all the way down to his fucking shaft and then...


Now? Now I want to fuck him? This is bad! This can't happen. I'm going to lose my best friend unless I move, or he moves, and I find myself someone to sleep with. My arousing state plus his sexy fucking body multiply the fact that I know every inch of his body now and I know what his tongue feels like on me...when I shouldn't! All of those combinations equal him and me getting busted by Lacey and then I lose my best friend for life. And even Ryan! I don't want to lose him as a friend! He's an amazing guy!

He coughs a quick laugh and lowers his head. The way his eyes gaze into mine while his head is lowered has my fucking body vibrating with an erotic sensual feeling that I cannot control. If he even as so much as brushes past me...I will blow like a fucking geyser.

"What's so funny?" I ask and sip the milk from my bowl of cereal.

"The look on your face. It's priceless. You have this look of confusion, yet you also look aroused. And none of that is my business, but it's like you're radiating it off you and onto me."

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