One Kiss

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Why am I so fucking nervous? I've dealt with Ryan most of my life. The guy gave me more pleasure in one night than I've ever had in my entire life. He threw me up on the bathroom counter of a bar and almost seduced me right there. Why am I so fucking nervous right now if I am never going to allow that again?

I just finished my short shift today. I wasn't supposed to work but they needed someone just for rush hour. And I need the overtime pay. Three hours was all, but now I am rushing to get to Ryan's house. I already texted him telling him I might be late, but it terrifies me to think that Lacey would get done early and decide to stop by his place unannounced.

He moved to a small townhouse. I've seen it once, well, Lacey had to stop by when he wasn't home and it's nice. It's a hell of a lot nicer than my apartment and we have a nice ass apartment.

When we walked through the door it was all open concept. The kitchen, living, and dining room are all in one vast area. He has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. Who the fuck needs three bathrooms?

The walls are mixed with a bright elegant white color and trimmed with a cream that I have no fucking idea how to explain.

The kitchen is modern and has some extremely fancy setups in it. And the thing is, Ryan isn't rich, but he's single, has been at the same job for twenty years, and has good credit, which makes a difference.

My heart gallops and my mind goes blank as I knock on the door to his place. I close my eyes, shake the nerves from my arms, and swallow the large knot that's been trying to build over here.

My eyes wander the street and houses surrounding him. I feel like I am being secretive and sneaking into a boyfriend's house like a teenager. This is simply crazy! I am talking to a grown adult about grown-up things! I have no reason to defend my actions!

Then why do I feel like I have to?

"Hannah!" He says as he opens the door and of course, I squeeze my legs together. His fucking voice sends my body into 'arousal overdrive'! The way my name rolls off his tongue sounds like it's meant to be on his tongue...I am meant to be on his tongue!
Jesus Christ! Get your shit together!

I clear my throat. My nerves have the best of me. His eyes have the best of me. "Ryan!" I say, trying not to start at him. "Let's get this done and over with."

I push past him, marching into his house and trying to ignore the look he is giving me. Because that look is a turn-on. His face is a turn-on. His tight joggers revealing the outline of his cock is a turn-on. His scruffy but neatly trimmed beard! A fucking turn-on!

I am quick to head for the kitchen table and sit down. I'm trying my very best to keep away from any couches, beds, fuck! Even counters! I'm not going to touch him. He's not going to touch me. This is over and we are here for closure. Nothing more!

"Thanks for at least meeting with me." He sounds depressed or just incredibly soft in tone. He looks happy to see me...maybe a little 'too' happy.

"Yeah..." I try sounding like a bitch, so he knows not to touch me. "Let's get this done and over with."

If I am being honest with myself. I am only guarding myself and refusing to let him near me because the slightest touch of his skin will send my body into automatic shutdown of all brain use and my pussy will be the only thing wanting to work. Just looking at him and the outline of his cock in his pants has my panties melting.

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