It's Just S-E-X

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My mind is lost. My heart is hurting. My stomach hasn't been hungry since that hypnotist yesterday. I've been chilling in the house ignoring everyone and everything. I have assignments that I haven't touched. I don't know what to do with myself.

Ryan went down on me. My best friend's dad and I had oral sex! And the fucked-up thing about it is ever since I was hypnotized, I remember more and more. And I enjoyed every fucking second of it!

The way his tongue slid against mine! The way his tongue slid against my clit! The way his hands gripped my ass! The way I moaned his fucking name!

This is bad! This is really, really bad!

What am I supposed to do? I can't tell Lacey her father and I were super drunk, and he went down on me! I can't confront Ryan because...I fucking can't! And I think he knows and he's hiding it! And holy shit! Each time my brain reminds me of his tongue, I jolt and arousal ripples through my fucking body! I'm turned on by my best friend's dad!

This can't happen! It never should have happened! How the fuck did it happen! Why did I let it happen? Why did he let it happen? What the fuck!
My phone vibrates in my hand forcing me to drop it on the ground. I look down and...shit! Lacey is calling me! Why is Lacey calling me? She should be out on the water right now having a blast! Did Ryan tell her? Did Claire tell her? Did one of Ryan's buddies bust us and tell her? Why do I feel like she fucking knows!

Settle down!

I am overthinking this! My best friend is calling me to talk. That is it! Nothing more. I need to relax. I need to answer her call and not make anything seem obvious. I need to simply put a fake smile on my face.

"Hey, lady!" I say as I answer the phone.

There is silence, then a sigh, then... "Is it true?" She questions calmly.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! She knows!

"Is..." I pause because it's impossible to talk past the knot that just decided to take over my entire throat. It's hard to swallow and I can feel beads of sweat instantly forming on my forehead.

"What true!" I barely spit out as fast as I could.

"Did Claire go down on you like she did with Becca last summer?"

Oh! Thank fucking God!

"Yep!" I am quick to say, getting it past the now-shrinking knot in my throat. I wipe my forehead and thank Jesus she doesn't know. "We got drunk and she somehow managed to do that. I was black-out drunk."

"That's good to hear." She says calmly. "Because black-out drunk women tend to do more."

"Oh yeah?" I ask, feeling like she's digging deeper into this. "What do you mean?"

"My three best friends were drunk with my dad. I'm a little disappointed in all of you. But I am thankful because you all are of age. My dad...fuck! We've had this conversation. Things could have been worse."

"Trust me!" I say cautiously. Because I know I can accidentally blurt shit out when not trying. "No more drinking like that. You know me. Hell! Even your dad doesn't drink like that. None of us drink like that. It was a fluke thing and things are great."

"Glad to hear. And you're right. No one in our group, nor my father tend to drink much at all. But I'm glad you were able to have some fun. And I'm glad you all can get along with my dad without someone trying to hit on him. Has he hit on any of you?"

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