Three In The Morning

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I'm almost no longer drunk. It's three in the morning. Every part of my body is fighting to sleep. I want to sleep. But I am so fucking aroused I can't sleep. I masturbated and it didn't do justice.

I'm no longer even thinking about Ryan. I'm willing to call my ex just to get laid. I can't do this. I am a very sexually active person, and this is the longest I've gone without it in a long time!

I mean, shit! I'm still naked from the waist down after pleasuring myself and the soft blanket against my ass only makes me want more. My body is screaming for pleasure. But I will force myself to fall asleep one way or another. Maybe if I didn't have to piss, it'd be easier trying to fall asleep!

I slide out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I leave the door wide open because no one is home. I could walk around the apartment completely naked if I wanted to. Maybe I should.

I wipe, but I'm soaked anyway. I'm so fucking horny it's stupid! Maybe Claire should have come home with me. Except that guy convinced her after spending half the night pleading with her.

My ass ripples as I slap my hand against it and walk out of the bathroom. I freeze in place and gasp. "Ryan?"

Ryan stands in the hallway at the front door. His eyes look tired yet surprised as he stands and stares at my naked lower half. "I'm so sorry, Hannah. Do you have someone over? I can leave. I..."

"No!" I say and shake my head. "No one is here. What are you doing at home? And I..." I pause and look down at my naked lower half inviting him. "I was just using the bathroom I never expected anyone walking through the house at three in the morning."

His eyes cannot peel away from my lower body. And honestly. I'm fucking allowing it. "Roger..." He pauses and finally manages to bring his eyes up to mine. "Roger is fighting with his girlfriend again. I couldn't sleep. I figured it's three in the morning so you'd be passed out cold, or if you weren't I could have at least snuck into my room without this awkward moment."
My pussy is throbbing, and I am not saying it's for him. But he sure the hell helps it throb harder. My body is trembling because of the lack of intimacy. I planned to go back into my room and maybe try fingering myself one more time. Hell! Anything! And now between the shock of him seeing me naked and the arousing allure of him, I don't know what to think.

My breasts ache in an arousing feeling that I have never experienced and honestly, I have no fucking idea what is happening. I've been having sex for a long enough time to know what tingling feelings and arousal feel like. Yet here I am lost in this random ass feeling inside of me.

My eyes follow to my room, and then fight to look back at him. He's in loose-fitting joggers. His shirt is halfway off him, and I am guessing he was trying to strip while heading for his room and I stopped him.

I exhale and the shakiness in my breath is obvious. I feel so fucking full of arousal yet hungry for sex it's mind-boggling. That fullness wants to burst out of me like a dam busting open. That hunger is my need wanting to slide my tongue all over his fucking body. And I'm not interested in him...

Fuck I am lying to myself!
Can I make it to my bedroom, pleasure myself, then fall asleep? Or is this about to turn into something I will regret for the rest of my life?

I look at his joggers and it's obvious he's partially hard. No one can miss that fucking snake. "You're..." I pause and nonchalantly point at the obvious bulge in his pants. "You're kind of showing."

He slides his hand over the front of his pants and gestures his head toward the lower part of my body. "Because you're showing."

"Fair enough."

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