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I lean against the bathroom sink in shock and confusion. Is Claire and Lacey, correct? Do I like Ryan? I feel like it's just sex. It's just the sex that made me feel that way. But to be so quick to say 'yes' to sleeping with him again and answering Claire like that!

My mind is so lost and twisted. I can't ever sleep with him again. But I said I would! I can't even be near him! But every part of me wants to be! The more I untangle this mess in my brain, the more I begin to realize I might feel something for him.

Thank God Claire went back out by the group because I've been in this bathroom for what feels like forever. But I'm so fucking lost.

"Hannah?" Ryan's voice sends a warm rush through my body. "Can we talk?"

My eyes widen and my heart does a triple backflip. I'd swear my eyebrows have run away and my stomach twists. The second he said my name I felt that sharp ting of sexual desire inside of me.

"No!" I snap and hold my hand up, trying to walk around him and refusing to look at him.

I feel his hand wrap around my arm. "Hannah, please! I just need ten seconds!"

"And we!" I snap even louder. My anger has to be pouring out of my face. "We are at a public place with your daughter just steps away. This..." I point my finger at him and back to me. "This cannot happen. And if it did, it wouldn't be where your daughter could bust us!"

He releases his hand from my arm. "So, you'd let it happen again?"

I slap my hands over my face from the confusion, anger, twisted thoughts. "No! Ryan! This can never happen! It never should have happened! And I hate myself for it!"

"You don't hate yourself for it. And don't lie to me. If I told you I feel something for you, what would you say?"

I cough a hysteric laugh and my eyes tell him he's nuts. "Uhm! No! You are not allowed to feel anything for me...." I take a deep breath and feel like I am going nuts. "Are you fucking crazy?"

"Hannah! I'm not saying I do feel anything for you! I was just asking, if I did, what would you say?"

"You've ghosted me this entire past week and now you want to ask questions? Your daughter is the closest person to me in my life! I'd have to move to fucking Mexico! Now move! cannot..."

He stops me from talking by bringing HIS FUCKING LIPS to mine. His hot and inviting lips send that fiery passion shooting through my body like fucking fireworks!

God Damn it!

His hands wrap around the back of my legs. In a crazed and wild moment, he picks me up and sets me on the sink.

My hands shove everything out of the way, sending a soap bottle, paper towel, and a basket of mints flying. My body is rippling with wild passion. My ass slides against the countertop surrounding the sink.

And just like that our worlds collide in a passionate and fiery pleasure. Our kiss feels like tiny little dopamine bombs going off on my lips as I part them and allow Ryan's tongue to slither inside my mouth.

The heat! The pleasure! The intense wild feelings from him to me. The radiating pleasure that comes off his feverish body and onto mine. The taste of cherry vanilla on his tongue makes me playfully bite down on it, causing him to release a small moan.

There's a whimper that comes from the back of my throat as his hands explore my body and his lips passionately destroy my argument of not wanting him.

My hands slide up his neck while my tongue explores his mouth like it's fucking gold. My hands press against his cheeks while he presses his body hard against mine. We are in our 'own' little world. That wildfire inside of me is burning out of control and I am so fucking wet right now.

His hands begin to slide into the top of my leggings, and I allow it. I bite on his bottom lip while my hands run through his hair and down his back as his fingers fight to reach my core.

I release his lip, bringing myself back to reality, back to the bathroom, back to 'what the fuck'. I yank his hand out of my pants.

"Stop!" I plead but can hear the 'want' in my tone. "We can't! Ryan! We can't fucking do this!"

He's out of breath. He's...showing in his pants. He's wild. He's gazing into my eyes like I am his world, and I am kicking him out of that world. His hands refuse to peel away from my legs.

I push him back and slide off the sink. "I have to get back to work." Fuck! I am at work!


And if I wasn't already wet enough!

"No! Ryan!" I snap and refuse to look at him. "I have to move on from this! We have to move on from this! storming in here and trying to seduce me right here? That's...what the fuck, Ryan!"

He slides his fingers through my hair. "Hannah. My mind has been stuck on you and...well...what we did. And I'm fighting it so fucking hard, but it feels impossible."

"I fucking knew it! That's your problem." I move his hand from my hair, turn around, walk out of the bathroom, and exhale a shaky breath while slamming my back against the wall. "Fuck! What the fuck!"

I run my hands through my hair, fixing it and adjusting my clothes. I walk through the restaurant, completely ignoring my table of friends, and head straight for the kitchen. I glance over at Claire. Her eyes are on me and then her eyes move toward the bathroom.

I quickly glance over my shoulder to see Ryan walking out. My eyes return to Claire and the disbelief she has on her face.

"No!" I mouth to her, trying to reassure her that it's not whatever she's thinking.

But it is! It is exactly what she thinks it is because a part of me disappeared in that bathroom with him while I was allowing his fingers to almost slip into my pussy. I wanted him to! And if I didn't wake back up to reality, I would have let him fuck me right there in that bathroom.

"You, good, Hannah?" Mike asks while sliding a drink toward a customer at the bar.

"No, I'm not!" I head straight for the kitchen while my body feels like...fuck! I don't know what this feeling is inside of me. I'm hot! I feel numb! I need air! I'm at work and I am fucking soaked! Ryan just destroyed me in a matter of seconds. And when I say 'destroyed' I don't know how to explain it except...FUCK!

I stop and look from left to right. I'm fucking lost. I'm in the kitchen at my job and I don't know where to go or what to do! Ryan is the reason I feel like this! He's making me lose my mind!

"Hannah?" Brad, one of the cooks, questions. "Are you, good?"

I look in his direction, and everything seems blurred. I feel off. I don't feel like myself. It's like having a panic attack except for there is no panic involved with this weird feeling. It's just a blur.

I know what the fuck it is now! I know why I feel like this! When I pulled out of that 'world' Ryan sucked me into in the bathroom, my mind didn't want to come back to this 'world'. My mind wants me to stay in that world and that is a huge fucking problem.

"Yeah, Brad." I inhale the taste of cherry vanilla still sitting on my tongue. "I'm fine. I just...I don't feel that great."

Fu-uck!! I am NOT fine!

Ryan sucked me into his world, gave me a taste in public and now I want more! I want all of him! He's trying to start something between us that will never work! It will ruin us! It will ruin Lacey! And yet I stand here wanting his body all over mine!

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