Moving On

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"I have finals, Mike!" I wave and head toward the front door of the restaurant. It's late in the evening, but I still have finals online. And thank God they are letting me take them now and at home. I could have gotten stuck going to Boston to take them. I'd rather not do that.

"Okay, Hannah!" He mocks jokingly. "Have fun with your finals. Don't forget your joyful smile along with that!"

"Yeah, yeah!" I say and open the front door, causing me to bump into a group of of those people has hazel eyes, dark brown hair, a smile that fulfills any woman's desire, and a body that I could lay on all day.

Who the fuck is this man?

I lower my head, but my eyes somehow manage to stay glued to his. "I am so sorry."

This man has a curious smile on his face as he tilts his head the slightest bit. "It's okay..." He pauses for a moment, raises his chest the slightest bit, and holds out a hand for me to shake it. "I'm Jackson. And you?"

I smile and shake his hand. Is it soft yet hard? How the fuck? I think the skin of his hand is soft, but the rest feels like he's figured out a way to work out his finger muscles...

I wonder what he can do with those fingers!

"Han-" I stop because my pitch is very high. I clear my throat. "Hannah. I'm sorry. My name is Hannah."

He chuckles and I realize his group has already gone and sat down at a table. "Well, Hannah. How long have you been working here?"

I shake my head in confusion and clear my throat again, because for some reason this man has my voice wanting to speak in only high tones. "What makes you think I work here?"

He narrows his eyes, and his lips form a partial smile. Oh, my God! He's looking at me like I am a dumbass!

"You're wearing your work clothes." He points at the name tag sitting on my work shirt.

"Oh, duh!" I say and try holding back the embarrassment but it's beginning to feel impossible. I don't even want to know what my expression looks like on my face. "Well, this was fun, but I have finals. I have to go, Jackson."

And I realize I am still holding his fucking hand! I am a bumbling idiot!

I quickly yank my hand from his and the expression on his face makes me want to laugh because he's trying not to laugh. It looks like he's about to burst out in laughter but he's giving it everything he can to hold off.

"What are you in school for?" he asks, changing the subject and getting us both to calm down for the almost-outburst of laughter.

And now there is this zing of excitement rushing through my body. Am I finally finding someone to take my mind off Ryan? Can this guy be the guy? My body is screaming yes! He's Hella hot! He's super polite. He smells like heaven mixed with saltwater! And as I bite down on my lip, I realize my legs are slightly clenched together.

This is going to fucking happen!

"I'm in school to become an architect," I explain while fumbling with my wallet in my hands because this guy makes me somewhat nervous but also aroused!

Holy fuck! I'm aroused!

"! Listen. I have to go, but...what are you doing tomorrow? How would you feel if we met back here?"

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