We Didn't

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These tests and classes have been stressful. The issue I am having is, are they truly stressful, or is it because I am spending way too much time with Ryan...okay that's a lie.

Ryan and I haven't been around each other the past three days since Lacey made those crazy assumptions. If only she knew how close to right, she is.

I made it a point to Ryan that we need a little time away and have him spend more time with Lacey while she's aware that I am at home or work. That way she doesn't dig any further into it.

Maybe I am crazy, but I feel like if Ryan spends a lot more time with her and she sees me more, she will think less about the relationship and I'm hoping it'd be a fresh start for me and Ryan. I mean, we can go back to spending a shit ton of time together without Lacey questioning every single little thing.

I even made it a point yesterday to join her and her father for dinner, which was weird because Ryan kept giving me looks when Lacey wasn't looking, and it was fucking hard not to want to jump over the table and kiss him.

I screwed up going to dinner with them yesterday because now Lacey wants me to go to lunch with them today!

Fuck I am late!

I close the laptop, slide my shoes on, rush out the front door, and in ten minutes I am walking through the entrance of the bar grill they wanted me to meet at. I don't know why Lacey has such an interest in me joining them for lunch when yesterday seemed weird for all of us. Lacey didn't know why it seemed weird, but I couldn't exactly tell her it was because her father does things to me that no other man has done and...oh yeah! We are in love!

Ryan can't hold back his smile as he sees me walk toward the table. Lacey, thank God! Is not paying attention to him. I nod, smile, and sit down. These two seem lost in whatever conversation they were in before Ryan saw me from the corner of his eye.

Lacey's lips curl into a smile. "Look at that beautiful lady!"

And I know what Ryan is thinking! The same fucking thing!

"You do have stunning friends, Lace!" Ryan admits and I can't help but chuckle as he realizes he said that out loud.

"It's okay, Dad!" Lacey reassures. "You can find all my friends hot. Especially Hannah! But you can't ever touch them! Understand!"

Ryan nods and lowers his head and I know what's going through his mind. We are finally meeting up tonight after four sexless days! Yep! Four! He's not going to be gentle, and I don't want him to be.

"Lace!" Ryan pipes up with a bit of nervousness in his tone. "I don't want to piss you off and I don't want you to assume anything either! So, maybe I should keep my mouth shut!"

"Maybe you should!" She interrupts, her eyes glaring at him, because we all know what he's about to say.

He sips from his glass, puts it down, looks straight into my eyes, and has to hide what he feels. "If Hannah and I...in another lifetime...were a couple and we loved each other and made each other's worlds. Could you seriously sit here and tell me you'd give up the two of us?"

I can tell Lacey is annoyed, and rightfully so. We had a similar discussion the night of that wedding we went to. And Lacey already has trouble trusting anything from anyone.

"Why does that have to be a question, Dad?" Her tone is of pure disappointment. "What's the purpose of bringing it up?"

His eyes light up with surprise and fear locked in. "You brought it up!" He argues. "And it's just a question. I completely understand where your feelings come from on this, but I am just curious."

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