The Beginning

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His warm and soft lips press against my inner thighs. I arch my back as my hands grip the blanket. The moment is warm and exciting. I haven't been touched by anyone, not even myself, in a month and a half.

I release tiny little whimpers as he flicks his tongue against my clit, teasing me and pulling away. "Fuck, baby!" I moan pleadingly.

My eyes are closed, and my teeth pin my bottom lip against them as the back of my throat creates soft whimpers. His tongue flicks my clit again and I quickly grip my hand down on his hair.

I feel his light breaths against my pussy as it throbs, begging him to play with it. He flicks his tongue again forcing my body to shiver and my lower half to wave, crashing into his face.

"Uhm!" He moans and then my world fucking explodes as his mouth wraps around my clit, and he begins to suck on it and twirl his tongue around it.

My body is like a volcano and it's fucking active. "Jesus!" I cry in pleasure as my first orgasm in a while is released into his mouth.

He moans and from the tiny little sneak peeks I can see him thrusting his cock against the bed as his hands hold my back legs like I am dinner, and he is fucking hungry!

His tongue releases wild movements which I have never felt before, making it difficult for me to hold onto the bed. "Baby! Get up here and fuck me" I beg as his mouth lowers to my pussy.

My lower body spasms, grinding into his face as his tongue slides into me and the walls of my pussy grip it like it's a lifeline I can't let go of.

"Yes!" I moan in euphoric pleasure.

His hands grip tightly around the back of my upper legs, and he raises me, angling me just right for his mouth to feed his hunger.

My hands are fighting to bring his body up to mine. I want him inside of me. I want all of him inside of my pussy.

"Flip over!" He commands and I am quick to do as he asks. My breasts press against the soft sheets of the bed as I rest my head on its side against the soft pillow. I've missed this!

"Do you trust me?" His tone is soft and curious.

I bite my bottom lip and slowly nod my head 'Yes'. His hands grip my wrists, pulling my arms behind me. "Are you tying me up?" I ask, slightly nervous.

"Can I?" he questions, and I can already feel the soft cloth touching my wrists.

I'm hesitant, but I nod my head 'Yes' again. He's careful but it's tight.

And just like that!

Somehow the simple act of him tying my hands behind my back has me radiating in a wild fucking arousing feeling. It's so fucking hot! I've never wanted to be tied up during sex. But I trust him, and I am willing to try almost anything with him and only him.

His fingers slide underneath me, pressing against the inner part of my hips and he raises my ass in the air. I am bent in, my shoulders supporting my upper part and my knees supporting my lower part.

His hand stings my ass as he slaps it and I moan in pleasure. My already-throbbing pussy only throbs harder. My nipples ache in a pleading feeling for his cock to enter me.

"Please, baby!" I beg as the tip of his cock slides up and down my pussy lips, preparing him for penetration. "No more teasing!"

His cock slips into my pussy with ease, filling me fast and reminding me of what I've been missing. An orgasmic moan pours out of my mouth. His hands wrap around my hips, guiding and holding me as he thrusts into me.

The first thrust forces the headboard of the bed to tap against the wall, telling me this isn't going to last long but fuck! I don't need it to last long.

His body rocks against my body as he thrusts harder. His pelvis slaps against my ass cheeks and holy hell his warm cock has expanded in ways I've never felt.

His cock fills me, the entire thing fitting inside my pussy like a tight glove. There is pressure but the pleasure overrides that by a mile.

Knowing I can't move my hands only makes the heat in my core turn hotter, and faster. The way the silk is snug against my wrists is a turn-on I've never thought I'd feel. And it makes me moan in a way that fills the sounds in the bedroom along with Ryan's moans.

He slaps my ass, stinging it again and I moan in orgasmic pleasure. His large hand grips my ass tight, and his thumb is a little too close to my ass, but I'm accepting it. Maybe even slightly enjoying it.

He thrusts again, his thumb twirling near my ass, oddly beginning to turn me on, but I'm trying to ignore it. No way will his fucking monster ever go in there, but if his thumb keeps doing what it's doing, maybe that can slip in.

With my body 'V-ing' his body can grind into me in a way that I never feel. His skin slides against mine. His hands grip my hips perfectly. His pelvis slaps into me perfectly.

And there is a feeling I'm not familiar with.

"Babe!" I say as his thumb presses against my asshole. "That's a little too close."

"Does it hurt?" He questions as he continues thrusting his cock into me.

I shake my head. "No. But it doesn't mean..."

I moan again as his thumb gently caresses my asshole and I am beginning to feel something I've never felt in my life. My asshole is getting wet.

"Babe!" I moan and grind my ass, trying to move along with him and allow his thumb to continue massaging my ass, creating a warmer and wetter feeling around his thumb. "You have to..." I pause.

There is a small bit of pressure and then a rush of pleasure. "Babe!" I yell and stop all movement. "Did you just!"

"Not on purpose!" He argues and stops thrusting. "Your ass sucked my thumb into it! I'm sorry! I will stop playing with your ass."

I'm hesitant and uncertain. "No..." I pause, fighting with myself. "Keep fingering my asshole."

"Feels good, doesn't it?" He asks and I can hear the 'I told you so' in his tone.

"Keep fucking me!" I beg and another moan falls out of me. "Holy shit!"

It's like a warm waterfall is pouring on my body. My ass grinds against his hand. Now the pleasure is getting taken away from my pussy and moving toward my asshole. It's a feeling I've never felt, but it's extreme and I want more!"

His finger moves faster, along with his cock. His other hand holds my waist as I help him grind into me. There's a warmth in my ass and it's starting to slowly slip out of me. And then....

"Don't..." I gasp. "Fucking..." I moan loudly. "I'm coming!"

My pussy is spasming, but my asshole is what's coming. His finger slides deeper creating a feeling or orgasmic pleasure I've never felt before.

"Baby!" He moans. "I'm coming too."

And just like that my body jumps back to throbbing cock pumping deep inside of me. But my mind is stuck on his finger circling, sliding in and out of my asshole, and forcing me to come again and again. My pussy is releasing along with my asshole and Jesus Christ!

"Don't stop!" I beg as his cock continues throbbing inside of me and his thumb continues teaching me what it's like to come from my asshole.

He begins to slide his finger out of my ass. "Don't you fucking move it!" I command and continue slamming my ass against his hand. He's done, I am not.

"Keep..." I moan and my legs tremble as a strong rush flows from my pussy and ass. "Fuck, baby! Holy hell!"

His finger slides out of my ass as my body falls forward. This euphoric and crazy explosion reaches every inch of my body.

My body spasms under his and it feels like everything I could ever ask for. This moment. This feeling. This man. Everything! This is exactly what my life is supposed to be like. This is exactly who I am supposed to be with. This is an unpredictable situation. This is... An Unpredictable Us.

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