Table Talk

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I'm still trying to fathom the fact that I just gave my secret best friend's father...a fucking blowjob in under two minutes in a public bathroom with my best friend feet away from us. I almost feel disgusted yet turned on by it.

His smug smile hasn't left his fucking face since we left the bathroom. He came back first. I lied and said I had the worst possible stomach cramping, which Lacey believes is because she also had horrible stomach cramping this morning.

We are finishing our food, and I am surprised at how hungry I am after my boyfriend just filled my fucking stomach with more come than he's filled my pussy in the past week.

Jesus! Stop!

We've all been silent. Lacey is done eating, but she's also in a rush too. Something about meeting her boyfriend. And Ryan was adamant about meeting him. Lacey...not so much. Her excuse was when she meets his girlfriend he will meet her boyfriend. So, that means never.

"He's here..." Lacey says, sliding her plate away from her and tossing down a wad of cash onto the table. "Dad! Stay! And could you do me a favor and take Hannah home? I'm not going home...tonight. Blake and I are heading to a concert and will be gone for two days."

"This is the first I have heard of this," I say and look at Ryan and he looks just as confused as me.

Ryan sets his glass down, leans back against his chair, and gives Lacey his 'fathering' eyes which I find to be adorable and awkward at the same time. "Can I trust this boy, Lacey?" He asks.

She raises both of her eyebrows and gives off this radiating serious look. "Can I trust your girlfriend, Daddy?"

He nods his head to the side and shrugs his shoulders, continuing with a slight nod of his head. "Good point. But! I am your father, and I am supposed to protect you. I want to know if we can trust this boy."

She exhales an annoyed-sounding breath and rolls her eyes like a twelve-year-old. "Yes! I love you! And I will see you in two days! I promise!"

I can see it in Ryan's eyes. He wants to follow her outside and meet this boy. She's my best friend and I want to do the same thing. Because this isn't like her. She's taking off from dinner to go with this guy when she planned our dinner. It's a last-moment thing that this boyfriend of hers sprung up, but still.

I can tell the only thing holding Ryan back from forcing Lacey to introduce the two is me. He's looking at me and I am secretly gesturing no. And he sees it and he's leaving it be.

"So, can you take Hannah home?" Lacey asks as she begins walking away, keeping her eyes on him.

He sighs like he's disappointed, which he's not. He can't wait to get me into his house and bend me over his kitchen table.

"I will take your friend home."

"And be nice to her, Daddy!" She commands and continues walking away. "See you in two days, Hannah!"

"Love you, girl!" I smile and wave while purposely acting bubbly and full of life. I look back at Ryan and... "As soon as they are gone...your house!"

He can't hold back his smile. "Yes, ma'am."

An hour later I am wiping myself off with a towel while he slides off the bed. His naked ass reminds me of why I love his perfectly sculpted body.

"You fucking killed me!" I joke and finish wiping myself off. "Babe! Where does this all come from? You filled my mouth so much earlier that I thought I was going to choke. And now this? Jesus! At your old age, I'd assume there's no way you should have this much build-up."

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