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"Miss me already?" Lacey jokes as she answers my phone call.

"I did something...bad!" I admit and almost want to smack myself for even telling her. I mean, no one has to know. Just Ryan, Mike, and me! But I know if I don't tell Lacey and somehow someway, she finds out...I'm a dead woman.

"I've been gone for a day!" She says, and I can hear the nerves radiating in her tone as she says that. "If you slept with my..."

"God! No!" I roar with disgust and interrupt her. I have no fucking idea why I sound disgusted. Nothing is disgusting about it. But he's my best friend's dad, so yes there is.

"Then what?"

I raise my head, looking up toward the ceiling, and release a nervous exhale. "Mike was giving me shit about being alone with your dad for the next week. I defended myself and your father by saying that would never happen. But during my defense argument, I mentioned that just like everyone thinks, he's attractive, kind, honest, and trusting. He'd give the shirt off his back and most women would love to see him take that shirt..."

"I got it!" She's quick to say, interrupting me and not wanting me to finish. "You were clear with Mike about how that would never happen, but you got caught up in the 'good parts' about my father. I guess I can forgive you as long as you're not still thinking like that, and I know you'd never touch him, and he would never touch you. So, I'm not that concerned. Why are you so concerned?"

"Oh..." I say in a rattling tone. "Ironically, your dad just dropped you off at the airport and came to the restaurant to eat lunch. He was behind me when I said it. He didn't care that I said it. But he heard me say it."

There's silence on the other end of the call and then...she bursts out in laughter. It hits my ears like a wave of 'thank God' emotions.

"You have to spend the entire week with my dad, knowing he knows you're attracted to him! This is fucking hilarious!"
"It's not!" I argue and feel embarrassed as shit. "He knows all your friends find him attractive already so I'm not that concerned about it."

"But you have to chill with him all week while he...this is gold!" She laughs harder and I want to hang up on her, but I'm not going to. I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt and leave it as is.

"He's home all week and I am home most of the week, doing schoolwork," I explain and rest back on the couch.

"He's, my dad. He's cool as shit. He's not going to acknowledge what you said even exists anymore. He's going to act like you never said it, because that's the kind of guy he is."

"I agree with you on that," I admit and set my feet on the coffee table. The TV is playing...God knows what and it's a Tuesday night. It's calm and quiet and thankfully it's getting closer to my bedtime and Ryan is nowhere to be found.

"Where is your dad?" I ask while scrolling through Facebook while watching TV and talking to her at the same time. Yes, I am a multitasker.

"He is..." She falls silent and I know damn well she's checking her life three sixty because that app is attached to her hip. "He is about to walk through the door."

My heart drops. I don't care if Ryan is going to act like what took place, never 'took place'. I am going to know it took place, he knows what I said, and now I have to deal with the thought of him knowing.

And just like a school bell, Ryan walks through the front door on command. "Yep..." I say and roll my eyes. "He just walked in, and I am going to bed."

"Don't go to bed!" Lacey begs. "My dad has no one to talk to. He's not going to talk about the incident. You're like a daughter to him too."

"We both know your dad has never seen me like his daughter. And considering what took place today and what I said, it's disgusting that you would even say that."

She sighs. "You're right. The more I think about it, the more I realize that was 'really' wrong of me to say. And I don't want you two getting 'close' in any other way either. So, just chit-chat about the weather. I don't know. And how does he look?"
I analyze the way he walks, the expression on his face, and the way he takes his shoes off. "Like he's had a few drinks."

"But not drunk?"

I shake my head and not sure why I shake my head because Lacey can't see me through the phone. "Maybe buzzed but that is about it..." I pause as he looks at me. "Shit. He's looking at me. What do I do?"

"Talk to him." She laughs.

"Hannah." Ryan nods his head. "I'm not drunk but I am buzzed. I am going to have another couple of beers and head off to bed."

"Good idea, Dad!" Lacey yells through the phone.

"Hi, Lace! How is the trip so far?"

"My mother is a raging bitch and I want to stab my eyes out after watching her kissing Julio."

"I thought it was Miguel?" I question.

Ryan's smile tells me he's had a few drinks. "No, it was Raphael." He argues.

"Whatever!" Lacey snaps. "I don't care to know his name. I've seen enough of him and his tongue shoving down Mom's throat. And to do that in front of me! Gross!"

A part of me wishes I had a date. I'm no slut, but I could use a friendly 'tongue shove' right now. I'm forgetting what a kiss feels like.

From the age of thirteen to seventeen, I was in a relationship with someone that I thought was the one. We did everything together. He took my V-card. I took his V-card. It got hot and heavy between us. It turned into we would sneak into each other's rooms and pull all-nighters, doing...well...having a taste of one another.

After that relationship ended, I decided to connect with Chris after eighteen and it wasn't something I was too interested in. I mean. He was a nice enough guy. We hit it off...kind of. And then I just wasn't feeling it, and he was feeling his sister...stepsister. Whatever. So, I've only had two main guys in my life. But if we are talking sex. It was a lot! And I mean my teenage romance was ninety-nine percent sex. We'd do it in alleyways, behind buildings, wherever we could find quiet places.

I am one to admit I genuinely enjoy sex. And a lot. So, since I am now single, I am going to start looking for flings or something. I'm not going to last by pleasuring myself. I need the 'real deal'.

"Want a beer, Hannah?" Ryan asks and holds out what looks like a fucking White Claw. "Well, not so much a beer as it is something you'd drink."
"Please!" I say and take it from his hands.

"You two getting drunk together does not sound like a good idea while I am gone," Lacey argues, and I can hear the concern in her tone. "I trust you two. And I know you two trust each other. But both of you drinking at the same time isn't the best idea."

"We will be fine. It's a Tuesday night." Ryan argues and cracks his can open. "I have plans tomorrow and Hannah has schoolwork in the morning. We aren't getting drunk and even in my drunkest state I would never sleep with your friend."

"I agree!" I add, feeling this wave of relaxation hit me like a bomb after sucking half of that white claw down. "Although I should slow back on how fast I drink these things."

Within a few hours, we have downed all the alcohol in the house. Ryan has two friends come over with more alcohol. I invite Becca and Claire. None of us are heavy drinkers, but we somehow manage to have a small party on a Tuesday night, me getting wasted.

I'm pretty sure I am going to black out!

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