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I'm angry with Ryan! As I stand and stare at him and his ridiculously hot body, I want to slide my tongue all across it and of course I do! I know what he fucking tastes like and every part of my body is hungry for him! And once again, I am only hungry for him because of how wildly aroused I became while sliding Jackson inside of me. It's like blue balls for women and I swear it does not go away!

I give a quick shake of my head and with gritted teeth, I release an angered sigh. "I came here because you had me believing you were going to do something stupid. We both were smart, Ryan! We backed away from each other. I finally started moving on! I understand that you can't handle the thought of another man sliding inside of me."

"Jesus Christ! Hannah! You don't have to say it like that! And no! I cannot imagine another guy sliding inside of you! It pisses me off! And maybe it's because I have feelings for you. Or maybe it's because sex with you is the best I ever had, and I can't handle the thought of someone else having you."

He's right and I know it. Sex with him is nothing like I have ever felt with any other person. I've even been able to pleasure myself and give myself better orgasms than any man has ever done...until I met Ryan. Just me tasting that fucking thing forces come to trickle down my inner thighs.

"Ryan..." I pause and look up toward the ceiling with anger, guilt, sadness, and everything else. "You have feelings for me. And you can't. I never should have come, but now that you are admitting this...this is far from okay. I know what we both feel, and I don't know why I came here."

"No!" He quickly argues. "We do not have to discuss any feelings. Just, talk! I don't...I don't know! And you can't sit here and tell me you don't have feelings for me."

I nod. "I do!" I say with confidence. "But those feelings are purely sexual. When I look at you, I want to do bad things! But other than that! I don't feel anything emotionally toward it!"

"Bullshit!" He argues. "But fine! Whatever! If that's what you want to believe. You can deny it all you want."

"It's not a belief, Ryan. It's a known fact. I do not feel emotional feelings for you."

I am lying to myself?

Do I have feelings for him, and I am denying it? I do get jealous when I think of him and another woman. Even if I feel something! It can't fucking happen!

"Ugh!" I scream in defeat. "This pisses me off! I don't have feelings for you! I feel like...I don't know what I feel! Even if I have feelings! We can't ever entertain them! So why do you keep pushing this!"

"Why are you here, Hannah!" He argues, knowing damn well why I am here. "You sit here and deny, deny, deny, but you show up when you don't have to! You say things you don't have to say! You sit here and argue with me when you should have left by now! So, either fuck me or leave!"

Fuck! I am going to!

I toss myself into his arms, our lips colliding along with our worlds. This feeling inside of me is euphoric and angelic and...and...

Fuck! I need him so fucking bad!

I part my lips, allowing his tongue to slide into my mouth. My legs are tightly wrapped around his waist and my entire body feels like it's meant to be right here, with him, on him!

I am so fucking aroused I can feel my body trembling and my heart pounding so fucking hard. The way his hands grip around the bottom of my thighs tightly only adds to that arousing state.

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