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In such a small town like Hawkins, one might think that a sudden and tragic death of one its youths would set the town off its axis, but no, that was the case

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In such a small town like Hawkins, one might think that a sudden and tragic death of one its youths would set the town off its axis, but no, that was the case. Hawkins High was just as normal as could be, students were laughing in the halls, talking about everyday things, like last night had never happened. It made Judy uncomfortable as she watched from her locker. It was like Will didn't even matter once he was found. A sudden gust of wind at her side made her avert her gaze from the hall.

Nancy was standing next to her, somewhat heaving her breaths, her chest rising and falling at a quick pace.

"Nancy?" Judy asked, concerned for the apparently shaken girl beside her.

"Did you see Barb on Tuesday? That night?" Nancy was fervent.

"No. She was with you, remember?"

"Yeah, but she went home early. Without me." The two girls were now facing each other completely. Judy's breathing pattern was slowly starting to match Nancys. Something about this conversation was unsettling.

"She left without you?" Judy questioned again, wondering why Barb wouldn't have called her like they planned.

"Well- I stayed and she left." Nancy averted her eyes when she answered.

"You stayed the night?"

With a huff, Nancy replied, "That's not important, right now. Barb is missing." Judy straightened her posture slightly at the statement and her fear only began to rise. Missing? "I was talking to Steve and I went back to his house to see if Barb was there, but all I saw was this masked man. He was tall but the mask didn't have anything-"

"You told Steve before you told me?" Judy blurted out, letting her feelings get the best of her.

"Does that really matter?"

"It does to me. You've only known Steve, what, a month? We've been best friends for years," Judy sounded disappointed, and she was but now wasn't really the time to be unveiling that.

"But did you hear what I said? Barb is missing, and there was this guy-"

Judy was more annoyed than anything now, "Yeah, a man in a mask that didn't have anything on it. I heard you, I just don't know what you want me to say. I'm just as confused as you are." Nancy seemed to back off, chewing on the inside of her cheek and picking at the edge of the books in her hands. Judy tapped on her own books that she was holding, thinking for a moment before speaking, "Do you think it might have anything to do with Will Byers?"

"What, like a serial killer?" Nancy asked, but sort of understanding what Judy was implying.


"Come on, this is Hawkins. Nothing ever happens here," Nancy denied, innocently.

Having lived in New York for some time, this wasn't something new to Judy, she didn't have to try and deny that bad things can happen anywhere at any time. "Yeah, until Will Byers went missing and then was found dead in the quarry."

"Something's wrong," Nancy put it simply.

"Yeah, I'm starting to think that too." Their conversation was cut short as the first bell rang. The two girls walked slowly into their English class, keeping quiet while the teacher went through his reading. It wasn't until one of the admin ladies came through the door asking for the two of them. Judy looked at Nancy behind her before making her way through the door with Nancy next to her. They were led to the cafeteria where two cops were sitting and waiting. Judy could recognize them right away. Callahan and Powell, her fathers right hand men. Really they even had a hard time finding leaves on a tree, but somehow they kept their jobs.

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