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"Judy? Can you hear me?"

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"Judy? Can you hear me?"

Judy turned around sharply, watching suspiciously over the cemetery for the person who could've said that. Standing up from her seating position, she scoured the area through foggy and tear filled eyes, whipping them forcefully to get a clear field of vision.

"Who said that? Who's there?" She yelled into the wind, unbeknownst to the people listening across wavelengths.

"Judy," it called again. "It's me. It's Hop."

As the voice rang through her ears louder, Judy stared at her backpack laying plainly on the ground. A slow breeze flowed softly through the trees above her as she knelt down, opening the bag, only finding the opened letter and her walkie-talkie.

"Come to the cabin, kid," a man said. Judy was too riddled in fear to be confused. "Come on, kid, it's Hopper. I'm alive."

At the speed of light and without another conscious thought, Judy ran as fast as her body would carry her. With her walkie in one hand and Max's goodbye in the other, Judy huffed and pushed further and further, finding the edge of the woods.

Her feet pattered in heavy impact against the road and the wind pulled her hair behind her in a wisp of yellow fury. The path she hadn't been on in over a year was once again a familiar friend, pulling her closer and closer to her only glimmer of hope. As gravel turned to leaves and twigs, Judy remembered slowly where she was heading and just as she set her eyes on the front porch and door, Judy fell to the ground.

Here she was, knees to the ground, in front of her fathers cabin that was destroyed, believing her dead father was alive in there. Judy inhaled sharply, trying to catch her breath for the first time in minutes. She held her side painfully as the muscles surrounding her lungs cramped from harsh use. She'd pushed so hard to get to the cabin that she ignored the burn of her own body.

She ignored the fatal reality that took her father away, but brought him back in retching visions. Judy felt a scream burrowing in her throat as the old gut wrenching horror filled her heart. It couldn't be happening again. Vecna couldn't be back so soon.

"Oh God," she wailed, seeing Hopper again in front of her. "Wake up. Please, wake up. Wake up!" Judy lifted her fist to her head, pounding against her skull. The sharp noises excluding the sheer impact of her fist to her head rocked Hopper to his core. He'd never Judy so distraught. As Judy tried to knock Vecna out of her mind Hopper scrambled from his perch in the doorway to pull her arms away forcing them down at her sides.

"You're awake, Judy," he said softly, struggling himself to hold her down. She hadn't looked up to find him, she just shook in her place as tears continued to fall into the dry dirt beneath her. Hopper craned his neck to look at her lowered face. "I'm right here in front of you. I'm right here, baby. It's Hop."

Judy racked a sob, taking a deep breath as she lifted her eyes to look the cruel beast in his eyes once more. He held on tighter as she met his eyes: his eyes.

Hey Jude | A STRANGER THINGS StoryWhere stories live. Discover now