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That night, Judy tried to ignore "Never Surrender" from El's room as she worked on the summer reading list for school

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That night, Judy tried to ignore "Never Surrender" from El's room as she worked on the summer reading list for school. He'd come over almost every night and if any time El was too busy with something, she'd open the door for him. This night was especially rough in greeting.

"Why are you here all the time?" Judy asked Mike after swinging the door open, holding a disgusted look on her face.

"Don't be mad at me for not having a love life." Mike said, snarkily. Pushing past Judy like he owned the place, Judy stood at the door in shock. She found it hard to be a fan of Mike even if he was dating her sister.

Remembering Mike's words from earlier, Judy bitterly tried to pay attention to the book in front of her, but the giggling and the kissing... it made her sick.

Mike was singing his heart out as well, which was like listening to 500 squealing pigs at the same time.

Judy sighed, burying her hands in her hands, leaning back in the chair in front of her small desk. Most nights she was away from home, working, but she was now certain that what was happening in the room next to her had happened nearly every single night since December.

One more lyric sung from Mike's lips, Judy pushed herself up from her desk in a huff. She stormed her way over to the makeshift room Hopper made for himself. She knocked on the wall three times, before hearing a response.


Judy opened the curtain separating the two of them. She could see him lying on his bed, hugging a pillow nervously. A lit cigarette was hanging from his lips and a few specks of ashes laid over his bearder chin.

"Dad, make them stop. I can hear the exchange of saliva over the music." Judy exaggerated in frustration. "If I'm gonna read any books, it's gonna be without that happening right next to my room."

Hopper set down the pillow, huffing as he pushed himself off the bed. He took a long drag from his cigarette and shoved a torn piece of paper in his pocket. Judy didn't waste any time getting back in her own room.

Judy could hear Els' door swing open and Hopper heavy footsteps walking further into the room. The music continued at nearly full volume, until someone switched it off. Judy wasn't really up for listening to that conversation so she turned her own radio on, playing one of her many tapes.

It wasn't long after Judy laid down on her bed that her car shut down and tires ripping out of the woods.

El came into her room shortly, looking concerned. "Tell Nancy I am sorry about her grandma," she said, quietly. Her eyebrows were furrowed and held onto the doorframe lightly. She didn't know that Nancy and Judy hadn't talked since November. And apparently Mike didn't know either or he definitely would've told El.

"Okay?" Judy replied, confused. The Wheelers only had one grandma and she was the healthiest old person Judy had ever seen, but what would it be like if Judy randomly reached out about a grandma she'd only met once?

El left her room quietly and Judy quickly fell into a heavy slumber. She thought about going by Dustin's house after work with Steve. He would love that.

(ahhhh episode one of season three is complete!!! I have a feeling part three will be the longest one so far... there's a lot that happens... I'm excited... also this chapter is so short it makes me want to throw up, but what can you do??)

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