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January 17th, 2022 - Seoul - Jeongguk's residence

The next morning Jeongguk woke up to persistent knocks on his bedroom door. It took him a while to open his eyes fully to understand and get off the bed to open the door only to face his slightly worried cook.

Rubbing sleep off his eyes Jeongguk waited for him to speak.

"Your parents are here, Mr. Jeon. The security paged for clearance and they are on their way up now. I thought I'd let you know!"

"Y-yes, yes, thank you. I'll be right out. Let them in." Jeongguk groggily replied, his morning voice hoarse.

He closed the door and looked around him. Damn he slept as if he was dead. And he felt as if he could sleep some more which was a first. He had gone to bed at about 8:30 last night and it was now almost 11 in the morning...

Wow.. more than 12 hours...

He never slept so much and so well.

He smiled at the thought of his dads coming to visit. He gets to see them after almost 3 months, he's missed them so much. He was just about to rush into the washroom to freshen up, when his eyes landed on the letter on his bed.

Shit. Taehyung.

He wanted to reply right away but now that would have to wait. He quickly put the letter back in the envelope and securely hid it in his treasure box, he couldn't have his dads finding out. Not that they would be upset but Jeongguk doesn't think he's ready for anyone to find out about Taehyung just yet.

Or maybe they would be upset considering he's pretending to be Taehyung's boyfriend.

Oh well..

Closing his wardrobe and rushing through his morning routine, Jeongguk rushed out of his room to welcome his dads and flinched a bit at a loud "Surprise!" yelled by both his dads.

Seeing his two most favorite people in front of him after 3 long months, Jeongguk couldn't help but get emotional and he didn't try to stop his tears as he rushed to hug his Appa.

This was nothing new and Woosung was ready to wrap his baby in his arms. Jungmin stayed back a bit to let both men get it out of their system although he also couldn't help the tears that escaped his own eyes. Jeongguk and Jungmin were close as any father and son but it was different with Woosung. Since he was a baby, Jeongguk for some reason had always needed Woosung more in the physical sense for comfort. And Jungmin didn't mind. He knew it was him that Jeongguk turned to when he needed serious advice.

Once Jeongguk felt a little more like himself, he let himself be pulled away from his Appa and then went on to hug his dad. He missed them both too much, more than he realized and not just because he didn't have anyone to care for him anymore. Just their presence around him had brought him comfort and love. It is that which he had missed the most.

"O-okay okay.. Enough with the tears." Jungmin told the two sobbing men. They all laughed and Jeongguk led his dads to the seating area. He sat in the middle with his dads on either side of him, with him cuddling his Appa while his other hand held onto his dad. Yes, it may be childish but Jeongguk was still their baby!

"How are you, sweetie? We missed you so much..." His Appa said rubbing his thigh lovingly.

"I-I'm doing okay, I guess. I miss you both too much! Best surprise ever... T-thank you for coming.. I needed t-this so much. I l-love you guys!" Jeongguk sobbed again as the toll of the past two weeks rushed in again. Seeing his dads, he realized how much he was burdened by the dialysis and he just wanted to be held.

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