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December 24th, 2021 - Elsewhere in Seoul

Soft flakes of white bright snow landed on the window sill to give a beautiful Christmas vibe to the entire place. Inside the small window, the mesmerizing smells of coffee and freshly baked pastries wafted around the very few patrons sitting in the dainty coffee shop.

Taehyung hated coffee but loved the smell. It soothed his senses and helped him think which is why he's here almost everyday. He sipped on his hot chocolate painfully slow that encased his body in warmth which the flimsy jacket he wore failed to provide. He looked around, observing the two other customers who sat at opposite ends and wondered if like him, they also didn't have anywhere to go on Christmas eve.

Well, that's a lie. He did have a place to go. His cousin Yoongi and his soulmate Jimin (who also happens to be the love of Yoongi's life) had invited him to spend the holiday with them but after enough times, you realize when you're being a burden. Although he's sure, his cousin and best friend don't think so!

They have always been a source of support for Taehyung. When he was disowned by his family for being gay at the age of 18, it was his Yoongi hyung who had taken him in, given him shelter, food, and most importantly lots of love. He had supported him all through college so that Taehyung didn't have to work to support himself, got him the scholarship so he could get a degree and made sure that he sustained it for his entire course.

Yoongi and Jimin had always pushed him to pursue his dream of becoming a writer which made him choose literature as his major but now as he sits here, his journal in front of him and countless pages torn and rolled up which had failed plot ideas, he wonders if he should've chosen something more practical, more achievable.

Taehyung knew that he needed only one big break, one bestseller to give him that much needed push in his non-existent career but when the bills pile on and the bank account sits empty, he curses his fate. Small article writing jobs are what are helping him stay afloat at the moment but he hopes for a change since paying rent on the verge of eviction every month is not something that he wants to continue.

Taehyung sighed slowly, his breath fanning on the window and steaming it as a result. There's no point feeling sorry for himself, he pondered. Life is unfair and that's the gist of it. He looked at the half filled page on which he had scribbled ideas for his book but none felt promising.

Finishing the final dregs of his hot chocolate, he moved to the counter to pay. The cute barista at the counter is now his friend since this place has become a regular thing for him. It had always helped him think when he wrote his articles, but when it comes to his book it doesn't seem to work for some reason.

"Leaving already?" He hears the dimpled barista ask.

"Yes, Namjoon hyung... it's getting late so I thought I'll head back. Don't want to keep you both waiting on Christmas Eve. I'm sure you and Jin Hyung have your own plans to celebrate Christmas!" He teased the barista as he wiggled his brows.

"W-what? N-no.. Of course not! Pfft, w-why w-why why would we celebrate together? We see enough of each other at work, you know. Personal holidays are off the table!" Namjoon practically stumbles over his words, making Taehyung smirk and nod.

"Sure. Sure, of course. Why would "business partners" celebrate holidays together? My bad!" Taehyung chided while making bunny ears with his fingers as he said business partners.

Slipping the money on the counter that emptied his almost empty pockets even further, he waved at the barista and walked away shaking his head. He didn't understand the need for them to hide their relationship. They were in their 30s, owners of the cafe which did pretty well by the looks of it. Taehyung spent so much time here that he had noticed how the two acted all flustered around each other. His observant nature did not miss the subtle glances and stolen touches during the day between the two. He was sure he had once caught them coming to the counter in a questioningly disheveled state.

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