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Main Ship: TAEKOOK

Side Ships: Yoonmin, Namjin

Triggering topics

Panic Attacks

Suicidal thoughts


Mentions of death

Smut, Angst, Fluff

Happy ending

This is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Kindly do not take this story to heart. Remember, its only a story.  

Needless to say I do not own BTS but only borrowing names and images. 

This is a boyxboy story and there would be references to sexual actions between two men. If this bothers you, kindly refrain from reading this book. It also contains sensitive and triggering topics which may be hard to read for some, I request you all to be mindful of your personal limitations and choose wisely. Nothing is more important than your mental health.

Certain characters in the book may not align with the idol that you're imagining. Please remember it is only a story and just a fictional character. Kindly do not be offended if your bias/biases do not fit in their real image. The characters have been made up to support the story and move the plot forward. Having said that, it is not my intention to hurt any sentiments through this book, apologies in advance. 

I got a brief idea for this story from an Insta reel  from mavaezz.taetae's account that has many POV's. ONLY the base idea isn't mine. The rest of the plot, scenes, dialogues, situations etc. are all mine. Rightful credit to the owner of this awesome idea. 

Thank you Mavaezz_taetae for letting me use this POV. Guys, do check out her account. She has a few books published as well.

The story is based in Seoul and certain facts may be altered/modified to suit the plot. For Eg.: LGBTQ+ relationships are not illegal but definitely frowned upon by the larger public. Also, my medical knowledge is limited and based on Google research and some personal stories that I have heard from people. If there are any doctors or people who have watched certain illnesses closely, please excuse the incorrectness of it. For the sake of the story, I request everyone to assume that what it says is correct!

The length of the chapters would stay somewhere around 1.5-2.5K words with a few long chapters in between as needed. I would not be giving warnings at the smut chapters since it spoils the surprise element but there would be a warning just before it starts, in case anyone wants to skip it! 

Credits to @Writeria29 for being a very patient and highly invested Beta reader. Thank you for  encouraging me to write this , also help maneuver the multiple writer's blocks that I suffered and suggestions to improve the plot! Appreciate it :)

AN: That's all, folks! 

Miss our boys so much. I used to live for their tiny glimpses...   but now :(

Anyway, hope you enjoy this story! I've done my best with it. Most of it is already completed and I'm only working on editing, so updates would be regular

Look out for the next chapter!



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