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June 10th, 2022 - Seoul - Taehyung's residence

Taehyung was running. He was running so fast he felt his feet would fall off. But he couldn't stop because if he did, J would slip from his hands.

On and on he ran as he chased the dark haired man, his heart in his mouth and feet begging for mercy but Taehyung carried on.

Just as his feet were about to give away and he felt his breath constrict in his airways, J stopped and turned.

Taehyung's breath hitched as he tried to get closer but a hand was shown indicating him to stay where he was... not wanting him to run away again, Taehyung obeyed.

It was dark, so dark he couldn't see his face but he knew that he was looking at J.... tears ran down Taehyung's face as he panted and struggled to take breaths...

Don't leave me, J... he pleaded!

But J only laughed and that sent a wave of pain through Taehyung's heart... Why was J laughing when he felt like he was on the verge of death?

Please, J... please don't do this. Come back to me, I beg you...

The said man only started moving backwards, still laughing at Taehyung's misery. Realizing that if he moved further, J would plummet to his death.. Taehyung rushed to pull him towards himself but he was late...

It was as if everything slowed as he watched the man he loved fall back into the dark abyss that most certainly would lead to his death.

Without a second thought, Taehyung jumped after J to catch him, only to fall into that abyss himself..

Jerking awake with a jolt, Taehyung had his stomach twisting in pain and he rushed to the washroom only to heave the measly contents of his stomach out. Since he hadn't eaten, the bile that came up made him gag and cough more. He fell back on to the floor as tears ran down his cheeks and sobs rang in the compact bathroom.

He was sweaty and breathless as if he had actually run and tumbled to his death. Shaking his head to get rid of the aftermath of the nightmare, Taehyung dry heaved for a long time.

Struggling to push himself high enough to reach the flush, Taehyung washed the puke away. He sat there on the floor of his bathroom to wait for the crying spell to pass. After a while as he felt somewhat calm, he stood up and rinsed his mouth. He brushed his teeth with all his might to get rid of the acidic taste that lingered there. And soon the realization of why he felt so awful came back in full force.

He washed his face and feebly made his way back to his bed. Plopping on the mattress and burying himself under the sheets, he tried to block out the light that came in through the window.

Why has he woken up? Why can't he just continue to sleep forever?

His phone dinged with a text and he weakly lifted it to his face so he could read it. It was Jimin reminding him of the lunch that he had promised to show up for. He didn't even want to move from his bed, but knowing Jimin, he was sure the man would show up at his door even if he was a minute late. Especially now since they know Taehyung is struggling.

Groggily getting up from the bed, he made his way to the bathroom to shower and shave. Days of being in bed, he himself could tell he was stinking. He needs to pick up the pieces of his life. But why does he go through this every time?

What was the universe even playing at?

Why am I so weak...?

Begrudgingly he showered and cleaned up nicely to be at least a little presentable to Jimin and Yoongi or else they would surely haul his ass to the doctor. He knew he was probably depressed and going to the therapist may not be a bad idea but he just wasn't ready. He wasn't done mourning the loss of J's letters yet.

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