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May 16th, 2022 - Seoul - Jeongguk's residence

It was almost 2 in the morning by the time Jeongguk finished his painting. He stood back to observe his work and truly thanked the universe for blessing him with a talent so fine. Because what stared back at him was the same angelic beauty that had imprinted itself on his corneas.

A face so divine, so sublime, Jeongguk felt his heart race as his eyes glided on each curve of the man's face. How can someone be so damn beautiful?

Jeongguk may be the artist but the man on the canvas was true art.

A perfect muse. One that artists would kill to have!

 One that artists would kill to have!

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(Rightful credit to creator. Image taken from Google)

Leaving it to dry with the rest of his pieces, Jeongguk finally acknowledged his stiff muscles and went straight to bed. He dreamed of Taehyung but this time he had the face of the mystery man that Jeongguk couldn't seem to get rid of.


Jeongguk slept long into the morning considering he was extremely tired. When he did finally wake, he remembered a few remnants of the dreams that had plagued his mind the entire night.

A part of him was happy that he was once again seeing Taehyung which wasn't new since the boy was always on his mind. But what bothered him was that Taehyung carried that beautiful face of the stranger he had bumped into yesterday.

Maybe painting him was a bad idea because he felt terribly conflicted. He was sure he was in love with Taehyung but to be obsessed with a face so much so that his brain had plastered it on Taehyung was going too far as per him.

He low key felt as if he was betraying Taehyung by thinking so much about the ethereal stranger. But try as he might, he couldn't stop it. That deep baritone kept ringing in his ears and he hated that. Sure he doesn't know what Taehyung looks like or sounds like but he didn't want to attach a face to him that wasn't his at all.

How different is it from Taehyung giving Jeongguk, Jae-Hyun's face?

Shaking those thoughts, he quickly freshened up. He was expecting a letter from Taehyung today or tomorrow and that relaxed his mind a bit. All was going so well with him and Taehyung that anything that even remotely threatened the serenity of his current life felt like a personal attack.

Jeongguk knew that soon he would have to come clean but fear and worry about his declining health kept him from taking that leap. Taehyung was a good human being, he was sure of it. There was no way Taehyung would rebuke Jeongguk for being sick. That much, at least he was sure of. The boy was too kind to do something like that.

Then what was he waiting for?

Many times he had imagined himself sitting in front of Taehyung and having a conversation over a nice meal and the joy that it gave him was unparalleled. Never had he thought that he could even have even a sliver of what people would call - normal life experiences again and he had accepted that.

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