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Tristen Escoffery

"Oh myyy mi sonn. . .mi sonn. Thank yuh Jesas, Thank yuh lawdd." Mommy seh as she came into the house and saw mi.

When we reach back a town and reach a the house, mi drop asleep same time and nuh wake up till innah e middle day. Did tyad yuh fuck. While mi did a sleep Raheim did guh fi Mommy and now here we are.

She look likkliier and there were bags under her eyes, it was evident that she had been stressing. Had she been eating?

Think mi know e ansa to that already and e pain mi heart fi know seh a mi a the cause. . .mi never mean fi mek that happen but mi still feel fucked up.

Like mi haffi guh duh therapy.

Her tears trigger my tears.

The amount a time mi bawl since mi wake up.

She hang on pan mi tight and start sob innah mi chest, mi return her hug and tears start fall from my eyes.

Out of my periphal vision I could see Rahiem wiping tears of his own.

"Mommy, mi deh yere now. . .mi deh yere."

"Everyday mi pray to God and beg him fi mek yuh alive cause mi cyaah lose a next pitney." She said sobbing.

Pain mi heart fi see her cry so much.

She pulled away and wiped her eyes.

"A wah did happen?" She asked curiously.

Mi sigh and tek a deep breath.

The fact seh mi affa explain miself ova and ova mek this entire thing worse. . .everybody aguh waah know wah happen. The people them outside naah guh know the real reason juss the one them innah mi circle.

"Mek mi tell yuh Auntie." Raheim volunteered and mi let out a sigh of relief, sending a nod of appreciation in his direction.

He lead her to the living room and I followed behind taking a seat.

"Suh auntie the boy Maliek. . ." Rahiem tell mi mada everything weh mi tell him seh. Bredda nuh leff out nothing. From the Karalana situation to the moment him pick mi up.

"Dutty Maliek him? A him fuss did know bout yuh going missing innuh, him bring flowers to mi everyday mi neva expect him fi duh that until Karalana tell mi weh him duh. . .suh the Lawyer weh mi get fi her and him friend them did a work pan some evidence fi get her out suh mi aguh up a station right now. . .yuh can come wid mi." Mommy said and mi clench mi fists. Bring flowers?

Cyaah wait mi seh mhon. . .

"Mommy hold on deh weh yaah guh is guh uppa station wid out mi. Tell Karalana seh mi gov and nuh mek nuhbody else know. Tell her seh mi aguh mek she get out as soon as mi deal wid sumn." I told her and she nodded her head in understanding.

'Tristen. . ." She began and mi know weh she aguh come wid.

"Mommy nuh start. . .it need fi be done. The pussyhole deh need fi be gone." I told her.

"Start wid wah Tristen? Then mia idiot? Mi did aguh tell yuh fi duh wah yuh need fi duh and be careful, mi nuh waah lose yuh again." She said and mi smirk.

Glad she undastan cause mi nuh innah nuh bagga chattingz.

"Suh how yaah guh bout the whole thing?" She asked.

Rahiem start answer her in terms a weh mi tell her and she nodded.

"That a waah good idea." She said.


She looked at her phone and stand up.

"Well. . .mi aguh look fi Kara yah now and mek she know the full 100. Mi cook some food and aguh bring some clothes and sumn fi her." She told me getting up and I nodded.

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