Chapter 1: Interview

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What's worse than being stuck in a traffic jam and going late? Obviously a traffic jam under a rainstorm in the morning that happens to be my first job interview.

Just great. 

Sighing and covering my face in frustration while 'Radio Ga Ga' is playing loudly on the speakers, I think if this job is for me, then it is. If it is not, then fuck it.

Ugh, no. I need this.

I want to be as independent as I can be from my parents.  I just moved last month from my parents house to a small apartment with my dog, Brandy. After graduating college I decided to move to another city too, so now I need something to entertain my mind away from the sadness of missing my parents, and being home by myself won't help.

The traffic is starting to move so at this instant I can see some light at the end of the tunnel. Ironically, the rain is stopping and now with the sun rising, there's a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

I hope this is a good sign.

Thankful with God and all my ancestors, I managed to arrive 5 minutes early and I still don't know how. Probably the good luck of the rainbow and there is a leprechaun throwing me lucky clovers.

I'm walking towards the entrance of the giant building and the first thing I can read, in a large platinum sign is: Jackson Inc. 

Simple but elegant, that's how this whole place is and apparently the workers too. Everyone looks sober and professional and I thank myself internally for deciding to wear this formal gray suit, white shirt and heels. Too formal for my liking but that's the code here.

While I'm waiting for the elevator,  I see a couple of people having a very entertaining conversation while they wait just like me. Next to them there is a blonde, tall and very pretty girl talking on the phone and looking at her well done manicure. She has a very slim figure, like a model by the way.

The elevator arrives and we all get in, and as soon as I touch the button of the floor I need to be, the blonde girl touches it at the same time and she looks at me surprised.

What's her problem?

"Are you going to the third floor?" she asks me.

"Yes, I guess you do too" I say, looking at her the same way she looks at me.

"I do. I've been scheduled for an interview at 9:00 am."

"My interview is scheduled at the same time. I think they made a mistake with the hours" as I say this, I'm praying for her interview to be next to mine. If she goes first, probably she'll get the job just by how she looks. And she looks very good, but I'm not left behind.

We get to the third floor and go straight to the HR office. I'm about to knock on the door when the blonde girl opens it as if it was her house. She enters first and goes to talk to Mr. Sanz, the manager.

What the fu...

"Good morning! How are you, Anthony? Long time no see" she says and gives him a hug and a kiss. Now it makes sense the way she opened the door.

"Cristy! I'm so glad you're here! how have you been?" Mr. Sanz talks and they get involved in a conversation and I'm there apparently playing the violin and getting ignored. 

"Oh, hey. Good morning, you must be Ms. Hoffman. Welcome to Jackson, Inc." he says. Finally he notices I'm the new statue standing there.

"Good morning, Mr. Sanz. Im Alejandra Hoffman, nice to meet you, sir" I say as we shake hands politely and smile at him.

"Well, take a sit you two. I know you may be wondering why I asked you both to be here at the same time. You both know the only vacancy available is Assistant of the CEO. Tomorrow the new CEO is starting and he wants a new assistant as well."

"But Anthony... No one told me before about this." She looks at me.

"I know Cristy, but Ms. Hoffman's resume is pretty good, that's why I called her too. I want you both to be on a trial period for this week and then, Mr. Jackson will make the final decision about who will take the place. Is it okay?" Mr. Sanz looks at us, raising his brows and expecting us to say something.

I want to tell them that they can eat shit because I know I wont get this job. The blonde has her advantages and knows people here. The manager to be more exact. She looks older than me but not too old, still in her 20s, but definitely has more experience than me. While on the other side I'm just a recently graduated apparition who has never worked.

"Its okay for me, Mr. Sanz. You only need to tell me when to start and I'll be here." I say and the blond is squinting at me, like I'm a threat. I look back at her not feeling intimidated.

"Okay, Anthony. Like Mrs. ... sorry, what's your name?" she acts clueless

"Hoffman. Alejandra Hoffman." Now i'm squinting at her

"Yeah, that... like she said. When do you need us to start?" she begins to ignore me again.

Stupid bitch.

Mr. Sanz keeps saying all the things we have to do, and what the CEO needs from us. After a little tour around the building we get back and get told to start the next day. At least I have the chance to prove to them I can do this.

I'm walking into the elevator when someone comes running and stops the door from closing by putting a foot in the middle. It's a guy. But unlike everyone, he's not wearing formal clothes. He's more casual, actually. Red shirt with a few buttons open, black jeans, black loafers and black shades. Weird to be using them inside the building, especially when the day has been grayish because of the rain. What immediately caught my attention is that he smells good.
So damn good actually...

He enters the elevator but doesn't say anything, not even a good morning greeting.
Is everyone here so rude?

I glance at him and see him frowning while texting something on his phone. Probably he was here for an interview too and didn't get the job. If that's the case, i'm sorry for him but that doesn't excuse the lack of manners.

The elevator pings when it arrives in the lobby and I start to walk out when the guy steps in front of me getting out first and I just look at him feeling annoyed.

"Asshole..." I whisper to myself walking out of the elevator.

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